
How does a diet of fast food affect a person's body?

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  1. I have a friend that just about all her/brother eat is fast food/junk food... They are both morbidly obese... The brother at his heaviest weighed 630 lbs.  That's the size of a baby elephant.. The sister she weighs somewhere in the 300 lb.  They both have heart problems, and trouble with their sugar levels though are not yet diabetic.. The brother has lost acouple really good paying jobs due to his size/weight and has trouble getting health insurance.  He has lost in 3 yrs. about 1/2 his body weight but, still struggles with food choices and portion control.  The sister struggles with low self esteem, body issues and money management since eating 3 fast food meals out is more expensive then cooking!  Her and her brother BOTH adults OVER 30 yrs. still live at home- and are probably NEVER going to marry or have a life of their own due to their size...

    That's probably NOT the answer that you are looking for however, its' a different "view" so to speak...

    good luck

  2. There are a lot of negative factors that go into the effects. First, the fact that you are eating "fast food." The faster you eat, the longer it takes to digest. Hence built up food in the system. That, and you can't tell when you're full, so you are more likely to take in more calories then you need. Next, you have the sugar/calorie factor. We should be eating no more then 600 calories in one sitting, and eating mild to moderate amounts of sugar. Most fast food is packed with both. The average meal at these places runs over 600 calories if you eat the sandwich, fries, and soda all together. If you are not a very active person, these calories add up quick. The only fast food place that I know of that isn't as bad is Subway. But even then, if you get the footlong, you should do your best to not eat the whole thing at once.

  3. It depends on what you eat, how much you eat, and how active you are.

    On the news today (Fox News), I heard of a man who lost 80 pounds in 6 months eating nothing but food from McDonald's.

    From my own experience, I was eating fast food once, sometimes twice a day, and never gained weight.  Once I stopped, however, I did start gaining weight.  Go figure!!

  4. Just watch Supersize me!!!

  5. heart has clogged arteries. they become over weight.

  6. I think it is addictive.  And fattening

  7. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered.  Mainly what is your activity level? What types of quantities are you consuming?

    Supersize Me! is a joke of a documentary.  If you are going to do a "scientific" study (and I use that term loosely as far as Morgan Spurlock is concerned) you need simple factors like a control group.  For example, what are the effects of the same diet on a person who exercises?  Spurlock had an idea and an outcome in mind and filmed so he could get that outcome.  If you sit around and do nothing except eat and watch TV you will get FAT.  It does not matter what you eat.  He could have done this movie with any type of food but instead did what amounted to be a hatchet job on McDonald's.  I rode my bike across the United States and ate fast food, pizza and down home Southern Fried Food every day for lunch and dinner and I LOST 35 pounds.  You see I was doing this thing called exercise.  I also lowered my cholesterol and body fat percentage.  Or take the example of the man who just lost 80 pounds eating nothing but McDonald's.  He cut his calorie intake and started exercising.

    Diet is only half of the equation, you must also be active.  Sure I still watch what I eat and don't go crazy, but that is an attempt to control calorie intake, not because one food alone will make me fat.  So make your own choices and take a look at the whole picture.  A diet of fast food alone and a sedentary lifestyle will have negative effects.  On the other hand eating "healthy" food and doing nothing will not have much of an impact either.

  8. well, u can choose the healthy options like salads and grilled chicken and c**p like that...but there is still preservatives, probably trans fat, and lots of sodium...if it doesnt make u fat, u will probably get high blood pressure

  9. clogged arteries from all that fat in there foods. And u get 2 much salt from there products 2. i suggest eating healthier and going 2 ur local grocerie store

  10. If u keep eating junk food and fast food, then u will become fat. it iz not good 4 u.

  11. no good

  12. it makes you fatter, it clogs your arteries, it ruins your heart, kidneys (because of high salt), reduces the amount of energy you have (due to sugar level fluctuations). It's just really bad and you should never have fast food, ever.

  13. It makes a person fat and prone to a heart attack.

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