
How does a father adopt a daughter if the biological father is nowhere around?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter is 3 and her sperm donar, as i call him has neverhad any contact with her or me since pregnancy began. I have been with my fiance since she was five months old. What would have to be done for him to adopt her.

We really need to avoid anything that would cause the sperm donar to sign over rights. It is not possible.




  1. you get with a lawer and they put a request to terminate parental rights in the paper for a certain length of time and then it goes to court and the, the new dad can file for adoption

  2. It's spelled Donor, and you don't want to call him that in court.  You should petition to have the child declared abandoned (by the father).  Once this occurs your fiance can adopt her.  Adoption just makes your fiance a legal guardian and thus he is able to legally sign documentation regarding your daughter.  If the adoption cannot take place your fiance is still her father, assuming your marriage works out and with his last name she still has rights to any benefits (such as insurance) that he provides the family.

  3. Check with a lawyer, but you should be able to get a "termination of parental rights" after no contact for a certain number of months, usually 6 mos. Then your bf may be able to adopt. Non-married may have a rough time in some courts, tho.

  4. Some points to remember:

    1) YOU picked your daughter's FATHER (sperm donor as you respectfully call him).  If he's a bad father, that's because YOU made a bad choice.

    2) He will always be her father.  By calling him a 'sperm donor' you are being disrespectful to your daughter, her heritage, and history.  If you say this in front of her, or other nasty comments you are further grinding down her self-esteem for your pay-off of expressing frustration.  When you get angry about your situation, go look in the mirror at WHO created it.

    3) Your 'fiance' is NOT her father.  And if he has a fatherly relationship with her--shame on you. This is a kid who can't afford another loss. Why don't YOU commit to him (like marry him!) for at least a year before you tie her to him for the rest of her life.  It's A LOT easier to get a divorce than it is to get unadopted.

    4) I hope you made a better choice in a man than you did 2.7 yrs. ago.

  5. I don't think it's possible without consent. If he doesn't care about the child, it shouldn't be too difficult getting a signature.

  6. Sunny is very knowledgeable about this topic, and she doesn't need anyone to apologize for her.  You might want to read her answer again without defensiveness.  She's right.

  7. i believe that if the biological father hasnt signed her birth certificate, you should have no problem with the adoption. if the courts ask you who the father is, u can probably just state simply that you dont know who the father is and that u dont know who the father is and that your fiance is possibly her father but because he wasnt there at the birth, he wasnt able to sign the birth certificate.

    make up a small lie

    but im not 100% how this works so talk to a lawyer about it and see what they say. they know the law the best.

    good luck and congrats on ur wedding!

  8. What you should do is get an attorney- and what the attorney will do is most likely place an ad in newspapers asking the father to respond- if he does not within a certain amount of time, which I don't remember what that is -either 30-60 days, I believe- they will sever the rights and your new hubby can adopt.

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