
How does a fax machine work (can I still receive phone calls on the same line)?

by Guest64640  |  earlier

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If I have one home phone line (that currently has two phones attached to it), can I attach a fax machine, and still send and receive calls on those phones?

Are there any other charges associated with sending a fax other than a short long distance call?




  1. Yes, you can add a fax. Plug it in the same as any other phone. You can't use it at the same time that you are using the other phone and you need to program it to either not auto answer or answer after 8 or so rings (giving you time to answer on one of the other phones). The charges are the same as if you had made any other phone call. If you are only using it to send, just plug it in when you want to send and unplug when you are done. If you want to receive, you will need to make sure your answering machine is either off or does not answer before the fax does (number of rings)

  2. Having phone and fax on the same line is not a problem.

    Connecting the Fax machine will be the same as adding a 3rd telephone on your line (as you already have 2 phones connected).

    The only conflicts you may have is if you have an answering machine on your line set to pickup after x number of rings and if your Fax machine is also set to pickup after x number of rings.  It is just a matter of giving one or the other priority for call pickup.  

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