
How does a girl get a guy? (guy input appreciated)?

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How does a girl get a guy to like her? I know a boy who's totally interested in everything I do, and we have tons of similar hobbies. I play guitar, and he was so excited when he found out. He also loves all the same stuff I do, and we can talk for hours. What should I do? I don't want to seem weird... and I think this would really work out. Please, help me.




  1. seems like he already does

  2. hang out, look a little 'extra nice' when you're about to see him. (but nothing too revealing)

    and it wouldn't hurt to flirt a little, see how things go if he flirts back and whatnot,

    then just ask him one day 'so, who do you like these days?'

    and he should know for sure that you like him.

    and well since yall have so much in common i dont see why he wouldn't like you too.

    good luck

  3. Well good question the main thing that guys are scared of in these scenarios is that they fear the girl will reject them. So they don't make a move. Now if you think this guy really likes you maybe you should give him a sign that you understand that you want to be more then friends. But do it in a playful way in which you don't seem desperate. (Touch his hand, be hard to get (pretending for a while), etc.) Good luck!

  4. i think he already does like you.

    just tell him you like him

  5. well i have been told by my sis to always wait for the guy to ask you. BUT!!! i have asked guys to go out with me and its works so i think you should follow what you think is right, just wait for the right moment like when you really feel a strong connection and im sure you will end up on a date!!

  6. hold the package.... and no this will not be weird

  7. that guy likes you, you tell him you like him

    and it's all good

  8. first of all im a guy so i know this stuff from experience. not too sound shallow but the first thing most guys look for is sexual attraction but u prolly already knew that :P anyways it really already sounds like he likes you. maybe you should ask him out too a movie and see if he takes it as a date or just as friends. if he takes it as a date and says yes then obviously he has some sort of attraction to you. hope i could help :)

  9. Look presentable/nice and talk to him.

  10. Tell him what is going on.

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