
How does a grade appeal work for college?

by Guest32054  |  earlier

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i failed a chemistry class and i dont think i deserved a F maybe a D but not a i know i have to go to the deans office and apply but what exactly does it do and how does it work as far as my transcrpits and stuff.




  1. The first step before the Dean's Office would be to meet with the professor of the class about the grade and seek clarity there.

    As the other answerer said, getting this grade changed is unlikely. I'm guessing for a chemistry class there was an explanation of the points needed for various grades or that it would be on a curve. Either way, I'm assuming all tests and assignments involved answers that are either right or wrong versus some gray area a written assignment might have.  

    If it was straight points and your points don't add up to a D, then I doubt it will get changed from an F to a D. However, if you've added your point and it's enough to be a D, but it was recorded as an F, then that is definitely worth talking to the professor about.  If it's on a curve, it can't hurt to meet with the professor about where you were on the curve between F and D.

    If you decide to move forward with a grade appeal, I'm assuming you will need to document why you believe you should have a D and not an F.

    What may be a more useful use of your time is finding out if you retake chemistry and get a better grade if they will bracket the F so it doesn't count toward your GPA.  Your academic adviser should be able to direct you on that. (As well as the grade appeal, if you want to do that.)

  2. This is an uphill battle but since you're only asking for an F to be changed to a D and not a B or A, you may luck out.  Fill out all of the paperwork and talk to the dean.  The change, if it's granted would impact your GPA (and any scholarships that are granted with a certain minimum GPA) but it'll take some time.

    I got an F in Conversational Spanish changed to a C because the instructor was a visiting instructor from Madrid.  Without her there and with me having spent 4 years in Argentina, I got a slight bump up.

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