
How does a hacker redirect and hijack your emails to a different server?

by  |  earlier

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My neighbors hijack my emails and change the person or source its directed too. sometimes they even change the CONTENT OF what i wrote .. and even when I sent acopy of the email to myself.. they stole it, and i didnt get my own email..

HOw do they do this and how do i stop this . a firewall, antivirus antispy and router didnt STOP THEM.




  1. if you know it's your neighbors

    then call the police because hacking is really illegal

  2. well you see the malware zlob is going to allow him to do this As such go to and get superantispyware free editon run scan remove infections found then run a scan with avg free 8.0 also from this will fix the problem

  3. Would suggest to change your password to a 'strong password'(for  all email accounts) not from your home using your pc but rather going to a cyber cafe or a friends place to do the task.Just go to Wikipedia & enter 'strong passwords' in the search box & see how to implement it.If interpreted right, 'they' have somehow hijacked your connection with a 'Man In The Middle' kind of attack.So, whenever you log-on they are able to monitor your moves.So, would recommend you to get in contact with a 'Geek( get the idea!!!)' to configure your system so that 'they' cannot notice the changes.Would have liked to help you out with this If I had been in your locality & Would have loved to 'Play' with these guys in their own games!!!.But, do give it a thought & take necessary steps!!!!..................

  4. If they are hacking your email then they are stopping the email as it comes out. If you're using a mail client like Outlook Express, Apple Mail, or Thunderbird, then you simply need to correct the location of your mail server.

    If you're using webmail like Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo mail, then they've got some very crafty hacking going on, as the vast majority of that form of communication should take place real time between you and the respective companies that host those mail services, and thus must be happening extremely fast.

    If you know for a fact that it is your neighbor, then the police would be the proper people to call. If it is not your neighbor, then you should first talk with your Internet Service Provider about the issue, and if they cannot be of any help, the police again should be the people you call. Not 911 mind you, this isn't that urgent, but something that you should report to them none the less.

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