
How does a kid submit a book to a publisher that does not cost much?

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How does a kid submit a book to a publisher that does not cost much?




  1. If you submit your book to a legitimate publisher and it is accepted for publication, that company will pay you for your manuscript -- you will not be required to pay them.  However, it is very very difiicult to sell your manuscript on your own and equally unlikely that it will be accepted for publishing even if presented by an agent.  If you are unknown and inexperienced, most probably your work will be rejected.  Your best opportunity for success is to mature, take writing courses, and practice writing, establish an adult style; also read voraciously in order to obtain a grasp upon what sort of book is marketable.  Self-publishing is an option, of course, but it is expensive and there are pitfalls to be encountered in the process.  (I self-published two novels and am happy with the results, but I have not become a best-selling author nor have I become wealthy!)  Unless you actually have access to someone who is willing to assist you (perhaps sponsor you) in your endeavor to publish your book, my best advice is simply to be patient and take the time and the initiative to become a proficient writer!  Good luck!

  2. Don't listen to the naysayers. You submit your work the same way an adult would.  I will say that you will need a parent to sign contracts when you get offered one.

    I would make certain your work is as good as it can be, have someone you trust read it and offer critiques. Perhaps and English teacher from your school. You might even be able to get extra credit for doing it.

    It is not impossible to get published as a kid. I know that for a FACT!

    You might try entering short stories to contests to get some experience. Visit my web site and check out the link to Tremors.

    Karen Syed

  3. make yur book into a short story. send it off to a bunch of magazines and see if it sells. if you sell it to a mag then after it is published in one of the editions send it off to a publisher with the magazine. if you're a kid then your chances of gettin' it publish are almost nil unless its a brilliant piece of friggin' work. sorry. i hope that helped.

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