
How does a landing help with dirt bike jumping?

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i was jumping last weak (first time on something bigger then like 2 feet) i got about 8 feet in the air not to big but decent size for me and i cleared the landing and hit the ground bounced over the bike basically. i was wondering what the difference is with landing on a landing or flat ground.




  1. If you are landing on flat ground then the impact is not taken up by a down ramp.  To be doing this you must be overjumping  Also if you are landing with both wheels on the ground at the same time then you are basically flatlanding the jump, which can result in injury. Flat landing a jump can impact on your arms and legs causing fractures and/ or toss you off the front of the bike.  If you do overjump you have to make sure you land with your back wheel first.

    If you are in the air and need your front wheel brought down you brake tap to bring it down and if it is up to high you can do a panic revv to lift the front wheel up if it is down too much.

    Also make certain your suspension is set up correctly for your weight as if too soft or too stiff that can be dangerous when jumping.

  2. "the difference is with landing on a landing or flat ground"

    The diff is either landing right side up, or doing a face-plant, Superman.

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