
How does a location's distance from the sea affect the temperature of the area?

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How does a location's distance from the sea affect the temperature of the area?




  1. sea--water. water conducts off heat faster than land. so air above sea will be humid. this air will flow towards land. with humid air above land, land loses heat even slower. land is therefore hotter.

    hope this helps!:)

  2. If some water body or an area, is near a water body, then you'll get breezes from the see. So, many prefer living in those places. Whereas places far away from the sea, (not like within a city, but within a huge landmass) experience Continental type of climate. For information about what  Continental type of climate is, please visit these 2 sites:

    I hope my answer is useful and clear enough to wipe off your doubts.

  3. I'm not sure how far from the water you are talking about, but I live about 10 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean, and we are somewhat influenced by the water. We are not as cool as it is at the shore when there is a breeze from the water, but it is cooler than about ten miles from here where the temperatures seem to even out for a long disance.  I'm sure that winters are milder than 100 miles west of here because of the water.  I'm not a scientist, just someone who lives with the weather, so these are just my observations.

  4. large bodies of water change temperatures much less rapidly than the atmosphere does.

    this means land next to bodies of water will experience less dramatic temp extremes, relative to areas farther inland

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