
How does a man meet the woman he loves?

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Well,I want to know,how will I know which girl is right for me.I will just one in the way which I like and tell her I love you?And what is most common:

.A man approaches the Woman?or

The Woman apphroaches the man?




  1. The more that you approach, not only do you increase the chances of meeting someone but you'll become more comfortable with approaching women and that comfort will come across as confidence which is far more attractive than awkward shyness.   You can control whether or not you approach more women but you can't control whether or not the women approach you so don't even think about women approaching you till they've done so.

  2. Either way, it's a lengthy process in which the man gets "burned". Alot.

    Or he does the burnin'.

  3. You do not need to look for her, she will find you...

  4. It can happen any different way. you talk to her. she talks to you.

    it is completley random  

  5. bopth these days but women appreciate a guy who approaches them

  6. For me, its a love at first sight kinda thing. You don't know how, but there is a force when you see the said girl,it says, "HEY! Look at her! Shes the one." And you somehow know that they have similir intrests like you do.

  7. its random you may approach her or she will i mean the day i fell in love it felt like my heart just jump out of my body  

  8. On a Hollywood set.

  9. stop living in the fantasy world LOVE doesnt exist

  10. you'll know cuse after the puppy love stage you ll feel connected to that person and when you have s*x you'll feel like you and her are one person.  

  11. It's completely random. There's no one way a person falls in love.

  12. Actually, I do somewhat believe you can sense whether the person is a potential love. Something about them just makes you not able to let them go...even from the first time you meet them. It's not all about shallowness either. It's almost as if something strikes you about their presence in general and you can't help but want to get to know them more and more. There isn't a perfect way to tell someone "I love you." The words themselves are so powerful that it really just depends on the situation and people's preference. not say it for the first time while having s*x or something. That's a little weird. A man usually approaches the woman and tell her first.

  13. its talking to each other none stop,its waking up in themorning and she is the first thing on your mind its agreeing to disagree,its talking about the future and finding out you both want the same thing,and its doing something and want her to be a part of it,to me thats love andthats who you want to be with

  14. it just happens you cant go in a relationship hoping you'll love her cause it would just be a waste of time. when your meant to fall in love it will happen and you will deff.  know it! more often then not the guy approaches. well in my world the guy should do all the work asking the girl out asking her to marry him...thats just cause i think that girls are more ready for things like that than guys so id just wait for the guy.

  15. it really depends on the couple

  16. its different for everyone. what i know is that when you meet her and kick it a couple times it will sicken you just the thought of life without her. stop wanting it to happen and it will. its weird, you wanting the right girl throws off some kind of beacon. i know, i was dealing with that for a while. when i wanted it to happen it didn't.

  17. the girl i fell in love with came and sat next to me one day. i love her but i never told her because of my what i do for God. she knew though haha

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