
How does a person deal with the fact that they want to commit suicide?

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things in my life are spiraling further south and are just getting bad...i come from an extremely broken home and am poor (just to type this i am using a neighbors computer)...nothing good has ever happened for me, i am unable to get any help (i have no insurance and cant afford it)...i cant even go to college because of it...regardless of how good i did in school....

i pretty much figured i could kill myself now before things get even worse or just wait til things get really bad in the next few years and then kill myself. like i said, things are getting worse and worse and i realized death is the only way to stop it.

i know for a fact nothing good can possibly happen to me in the next couple of years....

how do i deal with the fact that i want to die? it would hurt my mom (she lost 2 already and only me and my sis are left) but i just dont care anymore, im to the point where i dont care about anyone else's happiness other than my own cause (a thing i got from all the bad experiences i had to deal with)

what do i do?

again i cant seek help so thats out of the question.

its hard these days to find support for suicide.




  1. The best advice I can give is think of it like this.You can do two things:

    Try and help people who are in trouble.I mean if you were gonna kill yourself anyway you could try and help someone else.


    You could do some really big feat like walking across america.You cant say its dangerous.If you die along the way no prob. if you dont die at least you had a good time.

    You see if your devoted to helping people who cant be helped something good may come of it same thing for doing something amazing.You see the deeper "c**p hole" your in the bigger thing you have to do to get out of it.Who knows there also the factor of luck,you may win money tomorrow.This may not be the best advice but its better than killing yourself.Please DONT do it.IT IS PAINFUL!

  2. honestly, suicide is NEVER the answer.  

    you can call this number though (if you have a phone nearby)


    Also, there are a few jobs that do pay above minimum wage and dont require a college degree, such as a construction worker.  

    ...Sorry, I still dont know enough about you to help you that much, but all i can say is HANG IN THERE.  This feeling will pass, and you never know what lies ahead.....there could be a surprise waiting for you right around the corner....

  3. The fact that you have posted this question means that you do want some help.

    Don't keep saying you can't get help; everyone can!

    Call one of these numbers:



    Go to this website:

    Don't wait.  You do want to live or you wouldn't be on here.  Pick up the phone and do something to help yourself.


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