
How does a refrigerator ice maker work?

by  |  earlier

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I look into it to an see the container for the ice and this row of slats with unfinished ice in it but I haven't been able to figured out how it works.




  1. I cant be sure how yours works but.... Most ice makers work like  this. In basic terms like any freezer there is a build up of ice. In this case the ice builds up on the row of slats that you can see. The row of slats has a thin electric element wire on it in a grid formation. Once a certain level of ice has built up it triggers the element to come on. The element melts through the ice in small squares, giving you cubed ice.

  2. Here's another link to an explanation of how they work:

  3. How Icemakers Work

  4. When the ice mold reachs 25 degrees F, the ice mold thermostat starts the harvest cycle. The ice mold heater comes on and loosens the ice while the motor rotates the paddles around and drops the ice out. A sensing arm raises up and comes back down. If the ice bucket is full, the arm cannot go back down, and the ice maker will cease production, until that arm goes back down. At the very end of the harvest cycle, the icemaker calls for water(7.5 seconds) The ice mold fills and waits till the ice is ready and the termperature is again at 25 degrees F.The harvest starts again. So what usually goes wrong? I list the following in the order starting with the most likely failure down to the least likely:

    1)water valve

    2)ice mold thermostat


    4)ice mold heater

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