
How does a single person on low income live!!!?

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I live in an area where the cost of living is very high...just to rent a one bedroom apartment, I cant find anything below $850 - $900 a month (and thats considered good...usual costs for apartments around here are about $1,100 a month for a 1 BR), plus I have to add in utilities so it comes to over $1000 a month to live by myself. This is very hard when I dont earn a lot (I make about $1,200 a month). With gas/ food/ other expenses I cant pull it off. My friends already have places to live with no extra space or theyre married with families. Ive even tried looking at surrounding areas and lower income neighborhoods but I still cant afford it. Also Im scared to try those roommate sites cause Im scared to trust them.

Ive heard about housing vouchers or help through public assistance but I dont know how to go about doing all that. I heard sometimes you cant get help unless you have kids and I dont. How can I get help finding a place to live in thats still a safe area? Please help!




  1. You could try for food stamps if approved you usually get those within two months of applying.  As for help paying the rent you can apply (all can be done by going to your county's website) but expect to wait about 5 years just to have your application looked at.  Many people apply and those with kids, elderly, or disabled get moved to the front of the list-while means you get pushed back-- so don't expect to hear back from them anytime soon and if they do approve you it will probably be for a small amount each month (so they may pay for $90 of your rent each month and you pay the rest)

  2. No vouchers for people who willing make a low income and have no children.

    You can control this situation yourself.

    Why not just get a real job?   You determine how much you will earn.   Why are you choosing "low income"?

    1200 a month does not even sound like you work fulltime.

  3. Hey. I feel you. It IS very hard for a single girl. Mr Placid has some good ideas ... I am lol-ing about his getting married suggestion, because I have been considering co-habitating with my bf mainly just to save money! :-)

    Anyways, I think your best course of action at this point would be to try to rent a room in someone's house. Look for a nice place -- "normal," mature people looking to rent out extra space-- not some crazy party house with a bunch of teens. Hopefully while you're there you can save up a little $$ to buy a house someday soon (it's a great time to get a loan and buy a house!). Or, you'll stay there til you make more money or meet the man of your dreams and get married.

    Good luck.

  4. For being a waitress were I live you earn 2,00 about ful time not including tips!

  5. 1. Rent a studio.

    2. Rent a room in someone's home.

    3. Move to another state where apartments are $500 per month.

    4. Work a second job.

    5. Work overtime.

    6. Go to school part-time so you can qualify for a job that pays more than $7 an hour.

    7. Get married.

    Use your imagination.

  6. There are lots of ways to go here.  Try a local senior citizens center to see if there is an elderly person who would like to rent you either a basement apartment or a room.  If they are able to get out to a center, they are independent enough to not need medical attention from you.  Elderly people frequently want someone around just so they aren't alone, and their prices are generally quite low.  You could get a two bedroom apartment and get a roommate, but that opens you up to all sorts of potential headaches.  Look for a single mother.  Exchange a room for a certain number of babysitting hours a week.  If the housing doesn't work out, there are ways to cut back on other expenses.  Apply for energy assistance at your local department of social services.  That is easy and unlimited, unlike housing vouchers.  Register at your local website, so that you can get necessities-clothing, appliances, furniture,...-for free.  Your local foodbank will give you groceries.  Just be prepared to wait a while for it to be your turn.  And there is always the option of getting a second job.  I am the single mother of one who has been surviving on $1100 a month for 10 years now.  It's not easy, but it can be done.

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