
How does a slaughterhouse worker feel about killing animals?

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If they have loved pets at home




  1. if i had to kill an animal or go hungry i would have to kill it,hunger is a terrible thing,but to kill for a job ,i would do anything else but first,if it was a very last resort then i would do it

  2. those people are HEARTLESS and i dont know how they live with themselves! these animals are toruterd and abused!! it is horriable what is going on in these slaughter houses! those men deserve to rot in h**l!! they treat these animals as if they are trash! they act as though the animals dont feel what is being done to them or suffer! i wish i could take all the men in the slaughter houses and do to them as they do to these inncocent animals! i gave up meat due to the horriable treatment of the animals!

  3. How do you suppose animal shelter workers feel about having to euthanize millions of dogs and cats every year?  Believe me, it isn't any fun having to kill animals as part of your job, but it is something that you can adjust to.  Also, not everyone can do this sort of work, for some people it is just impossible.

  4. Since a slaughterhouse is principally created for the provision of food, anybody employed in one should understand the need for its existence.

    Chops don't get to Tesco shrink-wrapped - they have to be prepared  by a butcher first!

  5. It's a way of life. Most have been brought up in the farming industry and know the line between a pet and a business.  The animals are dispatched (not killed) quickly and quietly.  This is a job they do day in day out. It's like any distressing job, ie:- vets, vet nurses, undertaker, morgue technician , paramedic, fireman, doctor, nurse, midwife etc all deal with death. (I know they don't cause the death but they still deal with it) If they all let their jobs get to them, they wouldn't do the job.

    They slaughterhouse workers have no prior connection with the animals, so have no emotions towards them. Where as if they had to take one of their own pets to be put down, they are as emotional as most people would be.

  6. one lad i used to know years back worked in one,he said he hated it.but just tried to block it out,and looked at it as just a job.

    dont know how he did it,but i couldnt do it thats a fact? i love a good steak etc,but its different wrapped in cellophane,than slaughtering your own.

  7. both of my parents are from generations of farmers, we have a large farm & as a kid i would go with my dad to our nearest slaughterhouse,

    i knew all about them at a tender age. those that work there are not stupid & i have known many who were unable to cope in these places.

    just like the farmers they know these animals are not pets but you have to treat them right all thru' their life span & make sure they are not stressed at the time of their death & there is nothing worse than a frightened animal. so if the slaughterman has no control over the emotions due to what he's doing he's no good as animals can sense anxiety  

  8. i work in a meat factory, curing pork, handling pigs legs for 8 hours

    i think like me it a job, that as to be done so you can have your ham on your bread, it' just another job.and it pays the rent.  

  9. I don't know. I couldn't do it. I would rather die.

  10. There's a difference between pets and animals raised for food in my opinion. I believe personally that when animals are raised in a machine like way, with no care or emotion, no parents or anything, just food and water dispensed for them to eat, then they will be less 'alive' than a pet that has been cared for by it's owned for years and years, and has had many good times. It would be less wrong to kill the animal from the slaughterhouse, as it isn't really missing out on much for a start, and if taken in as a pet after that treatment would not really respond that much to emotions/intimacy. It would be very wrong to kill a family dog for food though, as they'll have built up a relationship with that dog, and visa-versa, so in a sense the dog is more 'human' (in a sense of having loyalty etc).

    In short, I guess a slaughterhouse worker would see the clear difference between food and pet, because of the love that pets recieve.

  11. I would think that they wouldnt mind it since they can keep the job there.  I could never intentionally kill an animal for food or anything.

  12. its a job they have to do it.. they have to do it because people have to eat..

    some enter this job because they are foreigners and cannot find jobs in other secters because of language barriers..

    I used to live near a big slaughter yard.. most people were there for the money too..

  13. They must just shut it out and see it as just a job!!

    I could not do it it would break my heart but then again I love animals....(p.s im not a veggie)

  14. My hubby worked (because he was out of work at the time and had to take ANYTHING to keep food on our table) as a book-keeper in a slaughterhouse out in Canada for a while.  He said most of them were on the booze big time.  And in truth, most of them hated the job, although like him, work is work.  Lucky for him the stock was unloaded on the opposite side of the building and they were actually very much looked after in their final hours.  Vets were in attendance all the time, and the place was spotlessly clean.  Part of this was because, not to put a finer point on the subject, stress affects the slaughtered meat.  They were often trucked in from across the country in which case they were rested off in holding yards (fields) locally.  I went in occasionally, to pick him up, but it was truly the most awful place I've ever visited and I'm not a vegetarian.  

    I guess those guys just had to separate their work lives from their home lives - only way they could cope (although the turnover was pretty high)

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