
How does a snow plough driver get to his work?

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How does a snow plough driver get to his work?




  1. he drives, its a dispatch company. drive, get out, get into plow, plow road, drive back, get in car, go home.

  2. Reformation rules,

    Where I lived in Alaska the snowplow drivers pre-staged, first at the heavy equipment storage facility, and then at key locations. I saw this too in upstate New York.

    I've seen where some road workers actually take the snowplow home so they can begin the work immediately. That's not much different than a State Trooper taking his car home. good idea, really.


  3. according to an old tv advert in his volkswagen beetle

  4. He's already AT work if snow has been forecast.......

  5. They are on-site all night ready for their call-out. Thats if the Met Office get the forecast right.

  6. You jest, but this happened in Gloucester a few decades ago!

    City at a halt as the snow plough driver couldn't get in.

  7. He PLOWS himself through the snow!?

  8. They will be there before a significant snow amount sticks to the ground while the streets are still clear. Then they periodically drive around in there snowploughs and when the streets clear or someone else takes their place they go home. The roads are still drive able even in a blizzard with a few feet of snow because they're constantly plowing it.

  9. parachutes in.

  10. Strange as it might seem to this generation, they walked.

  11. walks?

  12. Takes the snowplough home? Lives at the depot?

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