
How does a social networking website make money like face-book ?

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How does a social networking website make money like face-book ?




  1. Through advertising, I imagine

  2. The big joke about Facebook is that even though it's "worth" some $8-billion (according to Facebook), it really doesn't make any money -- they're trying with all the ads and sponsored applications, but it actually doesn't produce any positive revenue. They're hoping to generate $1-billion per year by 2015 but it makes nowhere near that now.

  3. oh come on this business model is now ended, new idea and u have made it!

  4. Facebook and other social networking sites are great big pools of consumers as far as advertisers are concerned. Just like Yahoo!, facebook and other sites know a lot about their members - their likes and dislikes, what they do for a living, where they live, all sorts of stuff that companies selling products or services would LOVE to know.

    So, they make that information (demographics) available to advertisers/businesses. If the site reaches the kinds of people they want as customers, they'll pay to be featured as an advertiser. It can be VERY lucrative, especially for companies that want Internet-savvy customers.  

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