
How does a spiritual revival among First Nations groups serve to strengthen their cultual identity?

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This is an essay I am struggling with. Any ideas??




  1. The Native Americans have been forced from their lands, subjected to deliberate actions that were designed to break their culture and placed in a position to adopt a foreign culture or suffer.

    Children were sent to distant boarding schools, forbidden to speak their language and had their clothing replaced. Returning to the reservations, they didn't fit in with either Native American or White culture.

    Poverty, unemployment, alcoholism and poor edition are common on reservations.

    The spiritual revival includes a relearning of the language and the old ways. Much has been lost, but enough survives to for a foundation.

    The revival has resulted in enforcement of the treaties with the federal government. In Washington State the Bolt decision allocated part of the salmon runs to Native American. The Makah conducted a whale hunt. Both were provided for in treaties but hadn't been enforced for many years. There has been the growth of so called "casino tribes." They operate gambling and other activities on tribal land bringing in much need revenue.

    There has been a long running lawsuit to account for money supposedly held in trust by the United States.

    Recently a group announced that they have withdrawn from all treaties with the federal government. They now claim huges areas in and around the Black Hills.

  2. By spiritual revival I would understand the appearance of a spiritual guide, messiah, prophet saint or any other charismatic figure that has a strong appeal on people that encourages them to act upon the fulfillment of a goal. This is better understood as messianism. Messianic movements tend to appear in moments of cultural crises thus they usually have a short life span.

    So yes, messianic movements tend to strengthen the identity of social groups or even form new identities.

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