
How does a tarantula bite compare to a wasp sting?

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How does a tarantula bite compare to a wasp sting?




  1. Jason nailed this one.  The same.

    It's individual.

    Some people won't notice, and others, it will send to the hospital with breathing difficutly, etc.

    It's like a bee sting.  hmm OR a spider bite!

    This is a 'close to home' question for me personally.  My daughter grew up with no reaction to bee stings, and suddenly?  ONE stopped her from breathing, and wild race to the hospital from the country an hour drive later into the city.

    I had already done the couldn't "breathe" thing, and  dealing with the ambulance ride when things were criitcal.  So, I knocked them all out of my way, shoved her into MY car, and broke every speed limit you can picture (this was no video game, and I can out drive my muscle fiance' in his stangs, etc.) to the city hosp.

    She was already admitted when they (the cops) charged in to ask for my driver's license, etc, and I said kindly, "BITE ME!"

    This was a 1/2 hr. afrer the fact, and my child would have DIED!

    The first time they drug me to court and I had to have a sparkling driving record, which I did.  The next 4 times, it was just thrown out.  From there, I never got pulled again for doing 90 in a 45.  I'm TOLD I was doing 110 at one point.  I don't CARE.  They could have tossed me in jail.  She was dying, and I had to GET her there.

    The point to this is - some of us never react to a sting, or bite.  I upset a nest of jellow jackets and got over 100 stings that day.  I was swatting them off, and killing them in the shower after a dash across my land from their nest I tried to weed.  I didn't get ill.

    My daughter is sensitive to a single sting.  She seizes, and can't breathe.

    I have to keep antiserum on hand for her now.  But, I can easily do a black widow bite, or a swarm of stings from hornets or jackets.  

    So, how does it compare?  It depends entirely on the individual stung or bitten.

    I hope this has been enlightening.

    **ADD oh, dang, I'm SO senile.  My finace teases me cause spiders seem to come get me in my sleep!  I'm the closest thing to spider bait there is! lol  I wake squashing one as it bit me...  So, the anti-toxins my body produces?  Seems to work on everything that's not too toxic.

    I DO react to bad/venomous bites.  The wound ulcerates before healing.  I've done widow bites, but not yet had to suffer a recluse.  My brother, who seems to have the same thing going on that I do, DID get bit.  He had to have a small portion of his knee surgically removed.  He's fine now.

    In closing - I hope to avoid a Recluse.

  2. Well tarantulas have bigger fangs and the poison doesn't sting like a wasp does. They are not the same. Yes the bite hurts but its not like the sting of a wasp. They carry different venom's. Take for instants a poisonous snake, when it strikes a rat the rat is still able to run away well for a couple of minutes then eventually dies. When a wasp stings anything, the animal flails around in pain unable to maneuver properly. They are very different. Now when it comes down to punchier wounds the tarantula will hurt more according to there fang size compared to the needle of a wasps stinger.

  3. about the same. been hit by wasps and a few different tarantulas (all my wifes pets)

    p.s. gabboons hurt like h**l! lol!

  4. It depends on the species of tarantula, Because other proteins are included when a toxin is injected, some individuals may suffer severe symptoms due to an allergic reaction rather than to the venom from the bite of a tarantula. Accounts of bites by some species are reported to be very painful, While the bites of many species are known to be no worse than a wasp sting.While no fatalities have been attributed to tarantula bites, sometimes spider bites are regarded as the probable source of infections. Medical intervention is also regarded as appropriate when symptoms such as breathing difficulty or chest pain develop, since these conditions may indicate an anaphylactic reaction. As with bee stings, allergic reactions to protein fractions may be many times more dangerous than the direct toxic effects of the venom. Complete airway blockage can occur within 20 minutes of exposure to some allergens.

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