
How does a tomboy become a girly girl?

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I want to becoem a girly girl. I am tired of being a tomboy. How do i become a gorly girl when i love sports? do i where make up dress in dresses? What do i do? HELP




  1. What lexi and Layla said.  

  2. ha ha. Slow down with yourself, love. If you want to be a it more girly you don't have to completely get rid of your tomboy roots. Wear makeup. But don't wear dresses. Add a bit more pink, but don't start wearing bows. You go slowly and get more girly but don't stop loving sports! You can do both. Trust me, its kinda fun meeting people at school and then demolishing them on the court later when all this time they thought you were some ditsy pansy. =] be yourself.  

  3. ok here's what you do. first of all you need to be yourself. =] but i was a tomboy and now im more sporty/girly.

    i wear cute sweatshirts in more girly colors and i also wear nicer dress shirts and jeans and nicer flats and heels. you can wear dresses. just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. if you like it and it looks good on you and makes you feel good...wear it!

    you can wear some makeup that looks natural on you like earth tones...browns, light pinks, pale yellows and peach...a little gloss and mascara. ask your mom/sister/or a friend for help.

    don't go too crazy with the changes too fast and KEEP PLAYING SPORTS! good luck! =]

  4. go on that "made" show. on mtv. yeah cool.

  5. You can be a 'tom boy' on the field. You know, just be yourself. I'm good friends with a lot of the girls on the xc team. My friends and I don't care what they look like when theyre sweaty and red and rnning... it's off the field that counts. Just do what you think is right.  

  6. Don't try to change yourself. I know a lot of girly girls who love sports.  

  7. You can be both.  I would pick someone you think you could fashion yourself after, such as clothes, walk etc.  Then dress accordingly with the situation.  Tomboys can still wear jeans, tennies, etc.  But add jewelry, makeup, and soft hair.

    Then also learn to sit, eat and speak correctly.  You'll never lose the tomboy thing, but know that maturity helps as well.

    I was a tomboy growing up and never wanted to be girly.  I now am extremely feminine, but look at myself as still a tomboy.  It takes a while, but boy will they notice.

  8. LOL, I'm sorta a "girly girl", but I also love sports. You don't have to wear dresses to be a "girly girl". And you can still be a "girly girl" and still play sports that you love :)

    You can:

    -Hang out with "girly girls" more often

    -Read gossip/fashion/girly magazines

    -Instead of having your hair up in a pony at the time, have it down

    -Wear make up (you don't have to go all out. I just wear eyeliner, it looks really nice. Experiment, and find what you like)

    -When you play sports, instead of wearing baggy t-shirts, wear tank tops

    -Wear jeans, skinny jeans if you can :)

    -Wear jewelry

    -Carry a purse instead of having money in your pockets

    WARNING: Don't turn all girly overnight. Do it gradually, or else people will think your a "poser" or "fake".  

  9. Be yourself. If you want to simply soften your exterior, try and wear a little make-up. Trade in those dirty jeans for a nice and simple skirt. Button-down blouses scream girly-girl. Wear purses. I hope that I helped out.  

  10. You can look girly without all the frills, makeup and good hair can wait til after sports. You should do what you love. Being girly is fun, but I think other things will help you more in shaping your identity. I wish I played sports and put down the eyeliner when I was in high school.

  11. you're already in the right direction..... pout your lips, bash your eyelashes and go to abercrombie and fitch, i would say that would be a good first step.

  12. start wearing makeup if you want, maybe go more natural if that makes you more comfortable. go for little things and see if you actually like it more. if you're on a team, suggest everyone wear something. for example, at my high school, on game days or random days certain teams will be like 'everyone (on the team) will wear a sundress (or a jean skirt or something)' and then you can start so you'll buy stuff like that, see if you like it, but it's still a start, and you'll be on your way!

  13. i like sports too , and im not a tomboy .

    wear makeup once in a while .

    wear jeans , not always sweats .

    loving sports has nothing to do with being a tom boy ,  

  14. Well if you want to become a girly girl just get into girly sports since you like sports like volleyball!!And yes wear makeup well you can if you want just pretty mich wear eyeliner and get girl clothes it doesn't necessarily have to be a dress!!=]

  15. liking sports is a good thing and some guys consider it s**y.  be comfortable with who you are.  don't force yourself to change.  but since you are saying you want to become girly.  girly girls dress

    in such a feminine way with dresses and such.  just that phrase makes me think of times in history when women wore dresses all of the time.  that is not now.  if it is that important to you, though.  seek out a makeover and see what you think and how you feel.  

  16. watch the 10000 teen movies with this exact premise and get some ideas

  17. well its tough from being a tom boy to a girly girl cause this girl at my school became a girly girl but ppl were shocked cause everyone was just use to her being a tom boy. but you have to take things slow you can dramatically come to school one day and be a total girly girl. for ex. start out wearing girl pants like just jeans or a jean skirt, then come to school the next day with a T shirt on it doesnt have to b girly but not a baggy shirt something that fits you, if your friends ask about it just say u needed something that would go good with the skirt, you dont have to wear makeup theres a lot of girly girls that dont wear makeup but mayb fix up your hair like in a bun or just put your hair down but have it look neat. but dont come to school one day totally differant because ppl will start talking about you and how your weird , so just gradually become girly. hope i was a help <3

  18. well if u really want 2 change go out and buy some make-up that u rilly like and and like skirts and dresses and like dressy shoes like pink and white colors and stuff and yea just start wearing that stuff alot :]

  19. ok i am not going to be one of those people that is all, be yourself! even though i want you to be yourself, because that would be cool, but it's your choice.

    i am not a girly girl but i do know that you don't have to wear dresses every day or anything.

    most wear makeup, like, a little eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. sorry but i have to stereotype because this is the easiest way.. however, they are different from eachother

    a lot of girly girls like sports! i know a lot of girly girls who like soccer, basketball, or volleyball!

    so don't change everything. don't change your interests. if you want to be a girly girl, just change what you want people to see of you. but make sure you don't completely lose yourself. that is probably the worst thing to do.

  20. Okay, number one, no body likes a poser, especially someone who is trying to be someone they're not. It just ranks fake. Here's what you do:

    1) Take care of yourself. Get a decent hair cut that's flirty and compliments your hair well.

    2) Get shirts that are more feminent. Girly-girls (though I'm not one) dress to catch a guy's attention, so they buy flattering tops and fashionable shirts.

    3) Be yourself. I love sports, I live for competition, but I know when to put that away. Be courteous and kind and watch your mouth. I have a hard time being kind, sometimes i can be overly cynical and it is very rude.

    4) Remember to smile. When you're around people, smile more often. When someone calls you, smile when you answer. Don't be overly preppy, that's just d**n creepy, but remember to smile. It makes you approachable.

  21. Yeah wait...things change.  I was a big time tomboy till I reached puberty.  

  22. Stop dressing like Ellen.

  23. You don't.  Just be yourself, as hard as that may seem right now.

  24. Just add small details: maybe lip gloss and mascara, a nice hairstyle, a fitted (not low-cut) T, a bright colour or pretty earrings.  These things will make others look at you in a new way, but allow you to still feel like you.  You will be at your most attractive if you feel comfortable, so don't try for a complete overhaul.  BTW, watch "There's Something About Mary" to see how much guys appreciate tomboys.

  25. you can still like sports and be a girly-girl :D i love to play sports and get dirty and stuff like that but im also a very big girly-girl...wearing makeup is a girly thing, dresses r also, so is jewelry, nail polish, shopping, hairdo's, stuff like that BUT you don;'t have to do all that to be a girly girl if you don't like makeup just try it (i can understand if you don't like liquid makeup! I HATE it but you can try mineral makeup which feels like you havenothing on and it also looks more natural) as for dresses you dont have to wear dresses, just wearing cute shirts and jeans if you like t-shirts there are some really cute t-shirts you could wear, jewelry you don;t have to wear the only jewelry i wear constantly is my purity ring (im not big on jewelry but some people r) Nail polish i find it so much fun to paint my nails and pamper my hands and feet tho i understand if you wouldn't want to do that, shopping is kinda therapy for me but i know some girls who don;t like to, i also like to do my hair all cute like half up half down, curled, straight, ponytail with bangs out something like that any hair do is cute :D, shoes i love finding shoes that match, i also like purses and their fun to carry around :D well hoped this helped!

  26. You can still love sports AND be a girly-girl. You don't HAVE to wear dresses and make-up EVERY time you go out, just skirts, sometimes short-shorts and minimum make-upover the summer.

    It doesn't matter if you love sports. just be yourself, you can just change your style. Alot of block colours and girly trends.

    Like high-waisted jeans and neon colours.

  27. Ok. This may or may not help.

    Its not about sports, as all the above people may agree.

    Its basically about how you talk and act.

    Try not to be so rough, or laugh out too load or shout.. you get the picture..

    Just wear basic stuff, not too girly, that would be ugly, and im guessing it wont suite u.

    I think u can be the cool, fun girly girl. Not barbie. Have fun, dont mix around with Plastic Girls, and u'll be fine..

  28. okay wear Alot of makeup and pink eyeshadow. wear skirts and heels of ballet flats. not skateboarding shoes. paint your nails. carry a purse. straighten your hair an d tie some of it back in a bow (NO PONYTAILS) if someone hits u say something like OMG THAT HURT. if u have aim i will be yur coach. i am known as one of the girliest girls in the school and there r over 800 kids at my school. on aim my name is dummmmmmblonde and on yahoo messanger im xdkitten whichever u wanna message. my name is gaby

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