
How does a violinist control dynamics?

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How does a violinist control dynamics?




  1. Many ways. Bow speed, Bow weight and various right hand techniques adjusting bow with fingers/

  2. The effective control of dynamics of musical performance demands that the player is technically proficient. I would recommend that you work on your technique and try to master the piece you are working on to the best of your ability. I would even suggest that you memorize it. Then you will be able to work on the dynamic and emotional side of the music.

    You may also consider thinking of why the composer placed the various dynamic markings such as p, f, dim etc where they are found in the piece.

  3. I play violin, and to play louder I press the bow down harder.

    To play softer I press the bow on the strings less.

  4. Three ways

    1. bow pressure- how much pressure is applied to the strings with the bow hairs. More pressure=louder

    2. bow speed- how quickly the bow is moving. Faster=louder

    3. bow placement- how close the bow is to the bridge or fingerboard. Closer to bridge=louder

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