
How does a woman married ,know if a married man truly love her?

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How does a woman married ,know if a married man truly love her?




  1. when man come early after work

    when man call  u in lunch time

    when u say u not feeling feel the man get on leave and stay home to comfort u and beside u

    when man come home gv u smile  and come near and give a kiss

    when he share his problem to u

  2. when they don't have to ask if he does, they just know. And when asked they would say yes he loves me, the real question is does he say the same about her?

  3. Hi

    It's all in the way he treats her, makes her feel, speaks to her and the respect he has for her and gives her.

    Having said that if a man does this for a woman then it's returned 10 fold.

    Some men just don't get it!



  4. if they are married together its a start it means that he said i do and then its a mater of trust after that, no magic formulas or good quotes if it is meant ot be it will be

  5. its in his kiss

  6. The validity of this question is in question.

    If she's married and can't answer that question, maybe she shouldn't stay married. The answer would be different depending on the nature of their relationship, how they communicate, how they are as individuals. In general, I think she would know by how much he cares for her, the little things about her he remembers and whether he listens to her.

  7. The love language of the man is in what he does for the woman.  Man usually show woman how much they love them by how hard they work for a living, how they fix the car and cook dinner for her and still find time to give her a back massage and more.  Men are doers.  They are problem solvers when we tell them things they think we are asking them to fix it when all we want them to do is listen.  Men who say they love you on the phone in front of anyone truly loves his woman.  Most men are ashamed to do it but ,your true love will.  He would be willing to die for you in a second.  He can chase all life's problems away by a kiss or holding you and just telling you that your their one and only wife and no one else matters.  They are faithful.  They will do most things that are good that a wife asks of them to prove their love for their wife.  The true love takes care of his wife when she is ill.  He loves their children.  He stands by her no matter what.

  8. when a woman married man truly love her she married him over the best time before he become father.

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