
How does a young American get knighted without doing anything?

by Guest60656  |  earlier

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You know, the OBE. I want the honor to call myself, "Sir". How cool would that be? The only catch is I don't want to, you know, have to do anything to be given this honor.

I just want Queen Elisabeth to be all, "Hey, this guy's allright. Let's knight him."

Does anyone have her phone number?

I promise I'll start spelling it "honour" from now on if it helps.

Oh and hey, check this out, I have every episode of Fawlty Towers on tape. If that's not for God and the Empire what is?




  1. Lucky dream on. American can't be knighted. You have to be a British subject. Plus you have to be nominated for a knighthood or any other honors.

  2. You could be Knighted but you are not allowed to use "Sir" in front of your name, this only applies to foreigners.

  3. If you're American, you don't get the "Sir" title, sorry.  The highest ranks of the OBE are reserved for British nationals; foreign nationals are only able to be honorary knights, not allowed to use "Sir" or "Dame", only the initials of the order after their names.   You would need to become a British citizen -- and do something impressive, too, anyway -- to actually be knighted.

  4. You can buy titles nowadays.

    A lot of Lords sisn't have kids and the title just stay there.

    Google it.

  5. The Queen doesn't normally give honours to people who do nothing to earn them.  And an OBE is not the same as a knighthood.

  6. America threw royalty out. Why should you get any honour?

  7. I am sure we all thank you for being so willing to become a knight of the realm.I am sure that the powers that be are scrutinizing this very question and you will be hearing from them,shortly after your demise.

  8. you have to be rich and famous i imagine.  why not check out the websites of famous ameriacns that have been knighted and see what they were knighted for


  9. Norman Schwarzkopf was given an honourary knighthood after Desert Storm. He was asked by a British journalist whether he would ever use it, and replied rather dryly that everyone he knew already called him "Sir".

    Until recently you could have given the Parliamentary Labour Party £1,000,000 and they would have had you knighted that afternoon (Bosh, Bosh, Bosh. Job's a Good'un. Nice doing business with you, Squire), but they were caught with their trousers round their ankles by the press, and can't get away with that any more.

    Even if you did get her number, Her Majesty doesn't answer the phone; she has people to do that sort of thing for her.

    Unfortunately, even if you own the complete DVD Special Edition Box Sets (Director's Cut) of "Fawlty Towers", "Absolutely Fabulous", "Monty Python", "The Goons", "Peter Cooke and Dudley Moore Live", and "Beyond the Fringe", it doesn't cut any ice with the Awards Board.

    I would suggest you marry a British woman for her passport, (especially if you like your women distant, expressionless, and emotionally with-holding until they've had a glass of white wine when their knickers fly off) and start up a factory employing a couple of hundred British Citizens (no longer Subjects), preferably somewhere poor and under-developed. I'd suggest Newcastle Upon Tyne, but even British People can't understand their dialect.

  10. Besides spelling honour correctly you would also have to spell Elizabeth correctly!

  11. You have to do something which contributes to society or that you earn money for the country in a legal way. You would be given an honorary knighthood if you were not born in the U.K.

  12. Americans can not use the honorific of Sir:

    "Foreign citizens occasionally receive honorary knighthoods; they are not dubbed, and they do not use the style 'Sir'.

    Such knighthoods are conferred by The Queen, on the advice of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on those who have made an important contribution to relations between their country and Britain.

    Foreign citizens given knighthoods over the years include Chancellor Kohl, President Mitterrand and Mayor Giuliani of New York."

    OBE,MBE,they are all different honors:  

    explains the different honors.Only a knighthood confers the title of "Sir" on UK and Commonwealth citizens.

    Notice the list of names?These are all men who DID something.In order for you to EARN an honorary title you have to do something WORTHWHILE exceptionally well.

    "While in past centuries knighthood used to be awarded solely for military merit, today it recognises significant contributions to national life.

    Recipients today range from actors to scientists, and from school head teachers to industrialists.

    A knighthood cannot be bought and it carries no military obligations to the Sovereign. "

    You also need to be nominated for the honor.

    Visit for more specifics.

    You can not buy a genuine title.

  13. im not from america but i know that u would have to be great in sport or a profession but it is hard to get recednized so much to get knighted

  14. Sir or Dame is only for United Kingdom-Ireland & Scotland.

    Not for USA residents, why? It's all about the tax.

    They have contrubuted a lot of tax for the country, and the funny part of it some then go and emigrate to the USA once they have have there Knighthood status like Anthony Hopkins.

    That you have every episode of Fawlty Towers won't help in this matter.

    Only living in UK, Ireland, Scotland, pay a lot of tax and contrebute in Music, film ,Arts or Science and then be lucky she picks you.

  15. im pretty sure someone in the Labour party will put you on the list if you donate a few million dollars

  16. For a start the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) does not confer the honorific title "Sir" only a Knighthood (KBE, KCB, KCMG, KG and some other orders of chivalry) confers the honoroific title "Sir". Secondly, an American citizen can only received an honorary knighthood which gives the letters after the name but not the title.

    Only certain British Comonwealth citizens can receive a knighthood.

    You have to do something to get a knighthood - e.g. Bob Geldof has an honorary knighthood.

  17. its just impossible.

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