
How does adopted person find their birth parents?

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I know some one who had their baby given up for adoption 16 years ago. I am wondering how does a adoptee find their birth parents?Do you go through some kind of agency?The baby was born in NY but papers were signed in NJ, from what I understand : the child may be growing up in AZ, if that helps. Thankyou.




  1. If the baby was born in NY and the papers signed in NJ and no agency was involved, there is a good chance it was actually an illegal adoption.  

    Your question makes no sense however.  Are you trying to find the adoptee?  Because the kid sure knows where they are growing up.  Here's the thing. Many kids actually start looking for their birthparents at 15.  No reason why you couldn't put your info up on various registries and see what happens.  Many will not allow you to do so unless the child is at least 18, but some, like the one below, are not part of an official 'group'.

  2. i would check with social services or maybe even go to your local court house and see about talking with some one that deals with finding birth parents. but the most important thing is to go to the adoption agency that delt with the adoption.

  3. ummmm dunno

  4. In most cases the records are sealed until the children are of age.

  5. Teh ones that adopted can help a lot, but I wouldn't wade too deep in that if Iwere you. Sometimes the ones who gave them up don't want to be found, or the other way around. Let the parents (adoptive parents) and the adopted person cross that bridge.

    If it's you then talk to you folks about it. I'm sure they are just expecting for the conversation to come up eventually.

  6. This is a pretty good list of things that can be done in active searching.

  7. the only thing i can think of is go to the hospital where baby was born start from there

  8. NEW JERSEY gives the adoptee the leasts amount of information than any other state I have ever come across.

    have your friend sign a waiver of release of her/his identifying information into the adoption file through the state. This will give them all of their parents info when/if the adoptee comes searching.

    join up at

    I'm assuming the adoption was finalized in NJ. If the adoption was finalized in AZ or NY I would go here:

    and for NY here:

  9. the agency doesn't give out the paperwork from the family who gave the child up. the only way to find out is by asking the people who adopted that person, or by doing it the hard way and going across the world looking for resemblance. you can always google it...

  10. Firstly, don't pay attention to the people who given their opinion on whether or not someone should search.  That wasn't your question and it's none of their business.

    Now then, it's hard to say the best way to start with the little bit of information you have here.  One thing I noticed is that the adopted person is only 16 years old.  That can be an issue, because s/he is still a minor.

    Also, I noticed that you stated the person is the natural parent, but you're asking how the adopted person goes about searching.  That's a little confusing.  Is the natural parent wanting to find the adoptee or the other way around?  Do you know the adopted person or the natural parent?  This would make a difference because of what information is already know.

    There are also registries that can help get people separated by adoption reunited.  The International Soundex Reunion Registry is a large organization that does this.  Their Website is  

    Some other sources, depending on what information a person already has, are sites like, where you can find birth, marriage, divorce, death and other public records for various states.

  11. If the birth parents cared, they would have contacted them!! Dont put your self through it.

  12. DNA test

  13. i found my sister on the classified ads on teletext! she was searchin for our mum

  14. There are many routes to take for reunion.  Some do the searching on their own through public records, release of non-identifying information, etc.  Some hire a search agency.

    If you're interested in the process, here's a starting place:

  15. asked the adoptess, they should have paperwork

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