
How does adoption solve the problem of teen pregnancy?

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One of the common justifications for adoption being necessary is that there are teen mothers who cannot raise their children. Somehow, this justifies a multi-million dollar adoption industry. But if teen pregnancy is a problem (as most people seem to think it is), how does adoption solve that problem? Are we treating the problem, or merely a symptom? And do we, as a society, not want to treat the problem so as to continue to meet the demand created for infant adoption?




  1. There are a few points in here i would like to address.  I do think teen pregnancy is an issue no matter the end result ( adoption, abortion or she keeps the child) the ramifications physically, emotionally, and financially are life long.  I don think that better and more aggressive s*x ed needs to be taught. Just peruse the adolescence   section here and you can see how little teens know of s*x.   I think teen pregancy needs to be decreased. Also you are right adoption is treating it after the fact and so is abortion  prevention is the key.

    with that said i think that adoption needs to be presented as an option. Long gone (thank GOD) are the days where a teen mom had to give up her child and in many cases taken from her, but  now she should have a choice.

    Finally as for people not wanting to treat the problem to further the demand is carazy. The people in the adoption industry do not right the policy on how s*x ed is taught in schools or the restrictions placed on the system. One has nothing to do with the other. Now one is benifiting from the other but they had no say in it

  2. Actually Phil teen pregnancy is on the downslide....thank heavens.

    However the pregnancy rates of young adults in their twenties have risen. Just pop over to the pregnancy and TTC forums.

    Abstience needs to be taught along with s*x education. We need to target those children who are thinking of having s*x and explain that you have two choices...either you can have s*x and risk unplanned pregnancy and stds OR you can abstain. Now I am not foolish enough to belive that all teenagers will abstain. Perhaps s*x education could included discussions from natural parents who relinguished and woman who regretted their abortion this may me what young folks need.

    I also do not think young woman should be punished for their sexuality by having there children removed. I do belive that we need to teach young girls all about the what is the one thing on the mind of young boys.

    Adoption does not solve the problem. We need to get to the root of why young girls are allowing their bodies to be treated like trash recepticles for their boyfriend's "junk".

    And for their trouble they are awarded cheap plastic bracelets denoting what s*x acts they have or are willing to perform.

    We see commercfials for "Girls Gone Wild" where obviously intoxicated woman are convinced to flash the camera for cheap plastic beads. I blame the media for the sexualization of our children as the cause not adoption. Is this what Woman's Liberation got us? Now we can willingly allow men to treat us like trash and then me thankful for it? Or worse relinguish or abort our children because a man can not live up to the responsibility for the life he helped create? Where is the outrage that woman are treated with such disrespect.

  3. It doesn't - adoption is an option after the teen is pregnant. It doesn't change the fact that she is pregnant. And it's not a deterrent for people to not have s*x. (Has anyone ever said "I want to wait to have s*x until I'm older - otherwise I'll have to relinquish rights to my child"?)

    Realistic s*x education (not just abstinence), parents willing to discuss and get involved, access to birth control - but especially education.

    But, the average age for firstmothers is, what, 25? So it's not really just a teen pregnancy issue.

  4. NO, teen pregnancy needs to stop, and the only way that it will , if we teach our children abstinence. Anyone knows that even if they are on birth control, they can still wind up pregnant. B/C is not 100%.  Teen pregnancy should not be happening at all, however, I will say this, if a teen does get pregnant, and there is no way that they can raise their baby, would it be better to abort than to adopt? Unfortunately I know some people would say yes, to this. We do need to treat the problem of teenage pregnancy, but when it happens, and it will no matter how much education a teen has, then there has to be wise decisions.

  5. You seem to have things backwards.  There is no 'adoption industry' forcing teens to become pregnant so that they can provide babies for infertile parents hoping to adopt.

    The 'industry' (such as it is...) exists so that when teens DO become pregnant  (as sometimes happens despite widespread availablity of contraceptives, extensive information on safe s*x, etc.) and find that neither abortion nor raising the baby themselves is a good option, that the child who arrives 9 months later can be matched up with a parent who wants, and is able to care for it.

  6. It is very simple ,

    Teen pregnancy is a problem , it is exist , what ever we do it will be found , so , as a result , it need to be solved , emotionally and financially , and adoption is the best thing we have .

  7. s*x education, abstinence and/or contraceptions would be the better solution in my opinion.

  8. I'm not sure where this question comes from.  In all my years in social work with maternal child health I have NEVER heard anyone claim that adoption solved teen pregnancy.  

      Adoption is an option for  those who find themselves in the crisis of an unwanted pregnancy.  It is important that women, all women, have CHOICE when they find themselves in crisis.  Regardless of what you think about adoption, it is an option for unwanted pregnancy...not a cure.

    I really do not think people are running around encouraging teens to get pregnant so they can "supply" mothers with babies.  That is just ludicrous.  I think it is generally agreed upon that teen parenting is not optimal.  Teen girls who are pregnant are more likely to be abused, impoverished, isolated from family, unemployed, and later alcoholics etc... Ya, some teens make good moms but I don't think anyone would wish this life on anyone.  For these girls, adoption is an option just like abortion or keeping her baby.  Honestly, this site is the only place where I have seen teen pregnancy glamorized beyond belief.  

    This whole thing about not wanting to treat the problem is ludicrous.  There are MANY programs, conferences, trainings, non-profits set up to help teen moms mother, to mentor them, to help prevent pregnancy.   In addition to non-profits, schools struggle with this issue everyday.  My kids schools spend almost too much time on this issue.

    Really Phil, where do you get this stuff?  You need to step out of your little "adoption is evil" world and do some research on what IS being done to help teen girls.  Teen pregnancy rates are actually going DOWN.

    The cure to adoption= ending unwanted pregnancies.  If you figure out a way to stop teens from having s*x please let me know.

  9. Adoption doesn't solve anything.  More so teenagers getting pregnant.   Not all teenagers give their children up for adoption. some pregnancies are terminated others raise the children themselves.  

    Honestly using birth control could treat the problem its out there , kids can even get condoms for free at most clinics, why they are not using it ? I blame it on the parents.  

    The adoption agency isn't sucking up anything as far as the economy is concerned. Plenty of adults that can not have children adopt.

    Your correlation pregnancy vs adoption as a way out for a teenager is weak.

  10. I think I understand what you are saying.  Adoption won't stop teen pregnancy, but many believe that a huge reason that adoption NEEDS to exist is that teen pregnancy is such a problem.

    Firstly, I do not believe that being young excludes someone from being able to raise one's own child.  My grandmother did perfectly fine raising my mother.  She married my step-grandfather when my mother was 5, and they lived a good life together until she died in 1999.  

    There was a time when the extended family as a unit was more valued than it now is.  Grandchildren born "not in the right time frame" were not seen as problems, but simply as the newest members of the family.  It's funny how many grandparents will go so far as to provide free daycare to their grandchildren when the non-teenaged parents are working.  However, if the parent is a teen, somehow it's best to just kick the newest member of the family -- their own grandchild -- out.

  11. It really does not solve it at all, but teen adoption programs are good because then the teen's baby has a better chance and probably a better family.

  12. Removal of age restrictions on contraceptives would help, along with forcing anyone under the age of eighteen to take birth control regardless unless it is a medical risk for them to take it.

    To be honest I think pregnancy in someone who cannot afford it is an even bigger problem. Teens have the chance to go to college and improve their incomes, the 34-year-old cashier from down the street DOESN'T.

    You should be required by LAW to take birth control if you have an income less than 30,000 a year. This can be worked around if one of your partners makes more.

    You have no business having a kid if you cant afford it!!!

    We need to nip the problem in the bud!

    I always hear about people bashing teenaged pregnacy, even Jamie Lynn. But why does the mother who makes 20K a year and decides to have three kids get the, "You go girl!" support? It's pathetic that someone who can afford to have children gets more bashing then someone who is going to struggle for a LONG time.

  13. It doesn't help one bit and they twist this just to relieve the guilt of taking a child away from another human being capable of loving and caring for their child.  They believe what they want to justify what their doing is good.

  14. adoption does not solve the prob but gives and alternative to abortion. kids shouls have morals and should not be having s*x but they do and its better to adopt out the kid than to abort the baby.

  15. Adoption does not solve teen pregnancy, and its not meant to slove it. Adoption provides all mothers, including teens, an alternative to abortion if they feel they cannot provide the best care for their child.

    If we took the adtitude that if you get pregnant, as a teen per say, all you had to do was give your child to an adoption agency, we would be dealing with a crisis (and just to let everyone reading this I am 100% against abortion). Teens need to practice absitiance, or at least use condoms and birth control. We (Yes, I am a teen, who knows someone who got pregnant)  also need to be taught in a much better way about the consequences of s*x. Talking about STDs and pregnacy for a week in gym class does absolutely nothing against hours upon hours of hearing "s*x is great" and "s*x is fun" from our favourite TV shows, for example today I watched Much on Demand and they talked about condoms, the past, present, and future.

  16. Adoption will not fix the problem of teen pregnancy and never will. Teens will continue to get pregnant and bring children into the world, the only way to help lower the numbers is through s*x education and parents being more involved in their childrens lives.

  17. the fact that adoption exists does not SOLVE teen pregnancy.  I think we all realize that.. adoption DOES exist.. and so does teen pregnancy.. your "problem" and "symptom" analogy is inaccurate because of COURSE we believe that there are OTHER things that should be done to prevent teen pregnancy, or at least lower the stats.. but once a teen IS pregnant....what is the "solution?" to the "problem" abortion, I suppose.. unspeakeable, and wrong on every level. Two wrongs do NOT make a right. what's done is done.. so a pregnant teen has to move foreward from there.. nothing (not even abortion) is going to make the pregnancy "go away"

    Adoption is an OPTION available to pregnant teens who do not feel they are ready to be parents, because they do not WANT to be parents at that time.  They have other things they want to do with their lives BEFORE having children.. they want to finish their education and get a good job, probably a husband BEFORE they are responsible for caring for a child, and all that it involves.. this is not to say that teens Can't do it... or can't make good parents.. but many who find themselves pregnant shake their heads and say.. "This is not what I want right now"  They believe that giving the child to a family that is already settled and READY for a child, is better for them (The mothers) in some ways (not that it doesn't hurt) Better for the child (in some ways, such as having two parents), and good for the parents who want the child.. and so they make that choice

    face it.. teen parenting is HARD.. Some have the drive and the resources.. some don't.. some are willing to go down that wild road, clearing the brush away before each step they take.. removing the logs.. some aren't.  So what?? I don't expect people to "judge" me for not being "willing" to take a vow of poverty and become a nun.. Each person makes their own choices.

    In case anyone mistook my "two parents" comment..

    Single women (or men) can make SUPER parents.. I know some really remarkable ones. But is it ideal? Statistics prove conclusively that a double parent home is ABSOLUTELY "best" for the child

    does that mean that all single women (Teens and otherwise) should give up their children.. Absolutely not. No.. "best" is not necessary for happiness.  There is always "good" and "making the best you can out of "less than ideal")

    To answer your other question.. No, nobody is "conspiring" to keep the "supply and demand" going.. If they ARE, I myself would sure like to start an investigation into the REAL reason I am infertile.. Hmmm.. I wonder if it really IS nature that caused my ovaries to never grow... or did the adoption industry do something to me???

    And yes, I do think people ARE trying reduce teen pregnancy rates.. have they found the answer? Maybe not yet.. but I do believe they are trying..

  18. It DOESN'T.

    Adoption just "solves" the RESULT of teen pregnancy.

    For everyone but the adoptee.

  19. It doesn't necessarily solve the problem of teen pregnancy, but the "problem" of teen motherhood.  The idea is that there would be less teenage mothers on welfare, less abortion, and a caring couple would receive a child.

  20. Well obviously adoption is not going to solve teen pregnancy. Its getting this girls to be educated on birth-control to always have the guy were a condom to be on the pill, and take it on time. It does give an alternative to abortion or parenting. A girl may not believe in abortion but not feel ready to be so young parenting a baby.  Of course there are good teen parents, there are people who are older who aren't ready to parent. In some cases it depend on the person.

    Open up the dialogue of s*x in the home would probably also help, many treat it as a taboo topic maybe only mentioning  it once or twice. A while back I read an article in readers digest about parents who truly talked to their kids about s*x sometimes from as young an age as 11. Of those featured the majority of the kids who were mid to late teens had not yet had s*x, and they said it had a lot to do with their parents being opening and talking to them about it. Those who were sexual active always made sure to use protection often at least 2 kinds.

  21. adoption isnt an industry, it is a way for children to have a healthy home.  It is not created for teen pregnancy, there are many reasons why people give up their babies for adoption.  Adoption solves the problem of abortion and neglected and abused children, not of teen pregnancy.  Teen pregnancy is another issue all on its own, adoption just allows the babies born to teen mothers to be given to responsible parents who cannot have their own children.

  22. Well, I do believe that better, more informative s*x ed that teaches about contraceptives (not just absainence) would be a far better solution.

    No, I don't think that we continue to allow teen pregnancy to fuel infant adoption.  I think that it supplies the baby with the life the he or she deserves and infertile or just loving couples with the child that they couldn't have or want.  There's nothing wrong with that.

    Also, consider that most teen mothers either chose to abort or raise the child themselves because they don't believe that they could give up the baby.

    People can put it down all that they want, but when it comes down to it, would you rather have a 16 year old girl or a stable, married couple raising a baby?

    Maybe it's not a cure, but it's the best thing that we can do once pregnancy comes.

  23. Too many people automatically assume a teen mother will be a horrible Mom. When I got pregnant for my 1st son I was only 17 and was told it would be best to give him up for adoption. Thankfully for me my mother was supportive of me being a parent

    I don't think age makes much difference. I know teens that have made great mothers while my adopted son's original mother was over 40 when he was born and was not able to parent him...

    I think adoption needs to become a completely non-profit agency. Take the ability to make money out of the equation and things may be done ethically.

  24. Nothing will solve teen pregnancy, every teen will make her own decision if she should or should not have s*x, just as it is her choice if she gets pregnant if she chooses to keep the child, have an abortion, or chooses adoption.  Why can't some people understand that some women choose adoption.

  25. Adoption doesn't solve the problem of teen pregnancy. It solves the problem of teen parenting.  

    Teens will continue to have s*x and many will do so unprotected thus becoming pregnant.  There is just no viable solution to curb teen pregnancy statistics let alone completely end teen pregnancy altogether.  There will most likely never be a law that forces teens to take birth control; at least I can't see that happening anytime soon in the U.S.  Birth control should be offered at the school level among other places (health dept., etc.), however, as the old adage goes: You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.  You cannot force someone to use birth control.  You can only encourage them and teach them to do so.   Hence the teen pregnancy "problem."  

    I disagree with your views on adoption.  There are many babies who are given up by adults, as well as teens, along with children who are in the foster care program due to other reasons.  

    I disagree with your views on adoption and the need for adoption agencies in general.  There are couples who cannot get pregnant themselves who still want to be parents and raise a child.  In-vitro is not always an option.  Adoption agencies are a necessity for these people.  It is a good thing that adoption is available to those who need it.

    It is also a very good thing that adoption is available to those who do not wish to abort, whether it's a teen pregnancy or a grown woman.  

    So long as people, including teens, have free will and thus can have s*x if they want to, unwanted pregnancy will always be an issue.  I say adoption agencies are a solution to a two fold provides a safe haven for the babies born of  unwanted pregnancies and it provides an avenue for infertile couples to achieve their dream of becoming parents.  And on top of that, adoption agencies further provide the possibility of homes for children in foster care or those who would end up in foster care.

    To disable adoption agencies would not discontinue the need for infant adoption....nor would it decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies (teen or otherwise).  Indeed, abortion would increase to higher stats than we have now and the number of abused or abandoned children or those left to the care of the state would skyrocket.

    Teen pregnancy is a problem unto itself, it is not exclusively tied to the reason why adoption agencies exist.  And while the "symptom" as you call it of teen pregnancy can be addressed by various means (which I think it is, though more needs to be done), as I've said above, it can never really be resolved completely.

  26. Adoption doesn't resolve the teen pregnancy. Even if you were able to place each child that was brought into the world via a teen pregnancy, into a 'wonderful home' that doesn't change any aspect of teens having s*x.

    All that does is simply put a temporary bandaide on the eyes of the world.  I do not know the statistics but has the adoption rate dropped considerably due to the teen pregnancy rate dropping in the last couple decades?  I don't believe that to be the reason.  I think that teen pregnancy is slowly back up on the rise in the last year or so...not drastically but enough to be noticed.

    Based on your last questions - it's possible for some adoption agencies to look at it like that & not really want to push for a resolve regarding teen pregnancy.

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