
How does advertising affect you?

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What effect does advertising have on you?

Hi, I'm an MA student conducting my major project on advertising and how it affects people, including any negative impact it may have. I would like to know if you have ever bought anything because you identified with how it was sold to you (ie you identified with the characters in the ad; whether you aspired to be like the people in the ad, have their lifestyle etc...); if a celebrity endorses a product or puts their name to it are you more likely to buy it (eg celebrity perfume) or whether seeing a size 6 or US 2 model advertise a product makes you want to diet?

IF you could take the time to give an honest response ,if you believe yourself to be unaffected say why, you would be doing me a really big favour and it would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance




  1. i think the most effective advertising form is when we don't realise we are being drawn in, such as loyalty reward cards.

    for example with the tesco club card - people may shop there because of the reward of the coupons and vouchers at the end, rather than another store who may actually be cheaper.

    i don't think endorsement by celbs affects my decision to purchase a product, but the desire for a more attractive lifestyle (and to show off to others) probably does - and i don't mean to show off in a negative way, but just to prove that as i work hard i can buy nice things!

  2. Here's my answer

  3. Advertising is seen as an intrusion while public relations is viewed as trustworthy and impartially honest because it aims to inform, not sell (for the most part).

    If I see a person lost weight or regrew hair, regardless of celebrity status, it would make news to some degree, and would interest people.

  4. Advertising helps me make money.

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