
How does agricultural causes global warming?

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How does agricultural causes global warming?





    Growing rice. Hmmm. Stop the starving Nepalese, Indians or any Asian country where rice is a staple of the diet from growing food. That should save lives!

    I'm sure if you told them to look at the big picture they would be willing to climb on board and save the planet. We all have to make sacrifices, right?

    "Methane is an extrememly effective absorber of radiation, though its atmospheric concentration is less than CO2 and its lifetime in the atmosphere is brief (10-12 years), compared to some other greenhouse gases (such as CO2, N2O, CFCs). Methane(CH4) has both natural and anthropogenic sources. It is released as part of the biological processes in low oxygen environments, such as in swamplands or in rice production (at the roots of the plants). Over the last 50 years, human activities such as growing rice, raising cattle, using natural gas and mining coal have added to the atmospheric concentration of methane. Direct atmospheric measurement of atmospheric methane has been possible since the late 1970s and its conentration rose from 1.52 ppmv in 1978 by around 1%/year to 1990, since when there has been little sustained increase. The current atmospheric concentration is ~1.77 ppmv, and there is no scientific consensus on why methane has not risen much since around 1990."


  2. It doesn't

  3. Certain farm methods are better than others.  Plowing a farm is suppose to release CO2.  Certain plants are better at storing CO2 than others.  In a discussion of biofuel, Switchgrass is suppose to be better for the environment than corn, because it adds carbon to the ground.  AS the guy points out, locking the CO2 away from the atmosphere is more important than removing it.   Both agricultual plants and trees will remove CO2, If tehy stay alive, they become a biological reserve.  Trees live longer tahn plants, and if we eat the plants, a certain amount of CO2 is returned into teh atmosphere.

  4. JK are you fond of Harry Potter, you are very good at fiction

    "the UN has intended to take ALL privately owned land since its conception."

    Pull the other one it plays jingle bells.

  5. Here is a link to a web site, that discusses this issue in more detail.

  6. nah, it doesnt.

  7. Theres no global warming even the evil ones call it climate change now theyve been found out.

    Any one tempted to believe in the tripe being spouted by those filling their bank accounts. Everyone should make the effort to do a SEARCH on HAARP, GWEN TOWERS & CHEMTRAILS.  

    Just look at all the aspects of life

    affected by these manipulated weather conditions.

    Population control = Worldwide starvation & more money making WARS.

    Look into the costs to individuals

    & how people are being priced out of their homes & know that the UN has intended to take ALL privately owned land since its conception.

    Its cost billions of dollars to build technology to create conditions  to convince the public there is global warming/climate change & its going to take billions of $ to cure something that doesnt exist in reality.

    Wake up world.

  8. The passing gas of cows is suppose to have something to do with global warming.

  9. Trees breathe in a lot of CO2, removing it from the atmosphere, and they "lock up" a lot of that carbon in their trunks and branches (because, like all life on Earth, they are carbon-based). Cutting down trees to make farmland means that less CO2 gets removed from the atmosphere.  Also, if the cut trees are left to rot (rather than being used for some other purpose like buildings or furniture), then all the carbon they had “locked up” will be released back into the environment.

    Oh -- and as Hagar notes, clearing trees for ranching will have the same effect as clearing them for agriculture -- with the added bonus of cow farts. Cow farts contain methane, another greenhouse gas.

  10. Difficult to give a straight up answer considering that we can't all live on wild vegetation. One could say, all the Biotic components of the life cycle contributes to heat generation. One thing that is upsetting is the lack of distinction between large corporations that control the food supply-vs-local or sustainable agriculture. These super conglomerates  have the philosophical mindset of *("Get Big or Get Out"). Usually resulting in a monoculture, that lacks biodiversity and is a waste of ecological resources. The small local producer's work with the environment, creating fringe ecosystems that provide habitat for a variety of wild life. They also provide more then one type of produce and are less stressful on the environment due to the demands of manufacturing/packing and retail processes.

    A good reference is: *(The Meat You Eat) by; "Ken Midkiff" (Crimes Against Nature) by; Robert F. Kennedy,Jr.,

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