
How does agriculture help the spread of empires?

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How does agriculture help the spread of empires?




  1. by wiping out and converting or controlling  the natives ,and by sending lots of food home, rising economic levels

  2. Jesus, do your own god d**n homework. I'm sure the answer that your teacher wants is in your textbook somewhere.

  3. In order to allow someone to stop spending their time feeding themselves and go off to fight a war there must be someone else able to produce food to feed the warriors. Successful agriculture can move a society from subsistance farming where an individual's time is nearly completely filled with operations involved in feeding themselves to being able to spend half or less of their time feeding themselves which means they are then capable of producing excess food that can be used to feed someone employed in some other industry like art, agriculture, philosophy, teaching, or war.

    As countries became more and more capable of producing food surpluses it became possible to create a standing army. Countries that could afford to send farmers off to war during the growing season without fear of starvation easily conquer nations that cannot afford to put together an army during that season because every farmer was needed to farm. The creation of hte standing army (by a king named Sauron like the lord of hte rings villain) created the need to take over more land to feed the standing army. He was able to take over more land because no one else could fight during hte growing season. They were all busy farming. This prompted others to try the same thing, but that meant that they had to take over more land and farmers as well.

    this began a sort of conquering race as everyone scrambled to find ways to keep and feed soldiers year round. With each invention in agriculture that made food production more streamlined and successful it was more and more possible to spread the empire across a greater territory as wars were fought and supplies were shipped to people that earned their food strictly through making war.

  4. Armies have to eat too and they aren't growing food when they are waiting, moving, fighting.

  5. From the earliest generations of man that depended on hunting and fishing for his food, keeping himself and his family fed required almost all of his time. As agriculture advanced it began to free up more and more people to do other things.  One person produced the food for many.  In many cases these people became armies and produced war machines and went out to conquer other people and form empires.  The saying that an army marches on it's stomach has a lot of truth to it.  When agriculture fails, the country is not far behind.

  6. It surely use to as an empire was dependent on the food for it's citizens. The vastness of the Roman empire and the huge lands under it's command that produced it's grains lay testament to that. Now it is somewhat different, but a country that can not feed itself and must rely totally on trade is only a day away from disappearing should it be cut off. A fine tactic in this bold new world to haul others into line, to "help" them see your point of view.

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