
How does air conditioning in a car work? does it affect fuel consumption when in use any info at all?

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How does air conditioning in a car work? does it affect fuel consumption when in use any info at all?




  1. really it wil be hard for you to test which one gets the best fuel consumption air on or off window up or down.. running the air cost about the sam eas running with the window down.. so really if one want to save fuel roll up window and ride a round wil save the most.. but then that person will die from heat so who would be saving what

  2. You add about 5% to your fuel consumption, headlights about the same.

  3. AC in a car can be compared to a fridge. A compressor, usually engine driven but some are electric, pumps refrigerant around a circuit taking heat from the interior and disposing of it outside the car. A little pool of water sometimes seen when you park is the defrosting water from the cooling element. It uses a very small amount of extra fuel, but your driving technique has much more influence on fuel consumption.  

  4. Works the same as in a building.  Transfers heat from the inside of the car to the outside by compressing and decompressing gas.  Just search for the basics of air-conditioning for a full explanation.  

    Yes, running your car's AC uses more gasoline.  It takes power from the engine to turn the compressor.  Usually reduces gas mileage by 1-3 miles per gallon.

    But opening windows to stay cool instead of using the AC "usually" reduces gas mileage even more due to disrupted air flow over the car's surfaces.   This isn't always true, depending on the design of the car, but most current vehicles are designed to run best with the windows closed.  Sometimes technical progress isn't really "progress" after all.

  5. anything that is driven by a pump connected to a brive belt from the engine waistes fuel

  6. Basically it's a mini-fridge, where compressed gas is pumped around,cooled via a sort of radiator, and used to chill the air coming into the car. Yes, it does absorb power and affect your fuel consumption, in some cases by up to 10%.  Being a tightwad, I only use mine when it's needed, preferring to have a window open at low speeds or just using the vents at higher speeds. Nevertheless, I do make a point of using it on at least a weekly basis to keep the various seals lubricated, and I will use it when feeling too hot, as a hot and uncomfortable driver is not an efficient one.  Also handy for removing condensation in wet weather.

  7. The air conditioner is hooked up to a pump that moves the coolant to the fan.  This pump is then hooked to a belt to the motor and when the air conditioner is on it puts a load on the motor making it work harder and thus consuming more fuel.

  8. it doesn't use up your gas, but it does use up your coolant, running out of coolant, can make your car overheat. It won't run as well as it should

  9. You use more petrol

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