
How does an 11 year old girl get a job??

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How does an 11 year old girl get a job,like at a newspaper place??Me and my friend are tryin 2 save up some money.How would i get the nespapers and where would we get a job??




  1. I don't think 11 year olds can get a job... But each country has different rules so I don't know... What's the hurry? Try doing extra chores and ask your parent to give you extra allowance for that... Or learn to bake or something... I saw a 12 year old on t.v...who makes really unique keychains and she started selling them for neiboughrs and friends... soon, people started ordering from outside her town, people she never knew... (Now she's doing overseas and has earned some good cash)... But if you're considering doing something like this... make sure what you're doing is reaaaaaaaaally unique and special and nobody could buy'em from the store... Be creative... good luck :)

  2. I heard Nike is now hiring in Taiwan and Mexico

  3. Go to sleep girl! Does you mom know that you are in the computer?Go to sleep right now!

  4. u really cant get a real job until your 16

    try helping your mom or save up allowance (if u get allowance)

    or babysit someone

  5. Really, the only thing you can do is chores for neighbors and family members. Corporations and businesses can't/won't hire you because you have to be at least 15 to work legally in the US (16 most places, but some food places hire at 15.)

  6. Yea you can't get a job till you're 16.  I'm 14 and can't wait to be 16!  You could always babysit, although you are a little young.  You could babysit while the mom is still home if she like needs to get work done or something.  

  7. I delivered for the Eccentric when I was 11.

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    You might want to have your parents call. When I delivered, they had someone drop off a load of papers the day of delivery and you had to have them out by 6pm. You'll probably make about $50 a month. Around Christmas you get good tips too.

    The best way to make money at 11 really is by shoveling snow or racking leaves and things like that. You can make about 5-10 bucks an hour, that's more than a lot of 16 year olds make! You should go to your library too and check out books on making money, I read a book called "Kid Cash" when I was 11 and got some good ideas on making money. If you want to make money at 11 the biggest thing is to make a schedule and make sure you do things every week and not just to do it 1 day and forget about it for another 2 months.

    I think you're smart for wanting to work and make some money, don't work or you can't make money, cause you can. Good Luck!! But remember to have fun too. That's what money is for when it comes down to it.  

  8. My 11 year old does hair, manicures and pedicures, money for some indoor/outdoor work.  Find what the 11 year old like to do and make some money.  Hey do not do something crazy.

  9. they can't child labor laws prohibit it.

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