
How does an American citizen marry a Peruvian citizen in Peru?

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How does an American citizen marry a Peruvian citizen in Peru?




  1. You need a document showing you are single.

    You need a document showing you have no arrest record or criminal record.

    You need a document of health showing that you do not have AIDS, tuberculosis, etc.

    Your fiancee will be able to get instructions on the form these documents must have, from the local government bureaucracy which issues marraige licenses.

  2. Depends upon whether you plan to stay in Peru or return with your spouse to the U.S.

    Check with the U.S. embassy or consulate to be sure if you plan to return to the U.S.

    If staying in Peru, talk to a local priest or cleric of your or your intend's faith.

  3. i think the following page will give u some idea....thanks..

  4. I was reading an immigration article, and accordingly to what it said, it would be less complicated if a visa could be obtained to come to the USA, then marry her/him over here and it would probably take 3 to six months before she could get her permanent residence, just make sure the individual enters the country legally. If he/she is not able to obtain a visa is going to be little bit more complicate and the process will take longer, somebody already gave you a link to an immigration page you should take advantage of it. Good Luck!!

  5. Hi, check here the papers you need:

    Partida de nacimiento visado por el Consulado Peruano del País de origen y legalizada por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú.  

    Certificado de soltería de ser el caso, visado también por el consulado peruano del país de origen y legalizado por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú.  

    Presentar Pasaporte y fotocopia .  

    Copia simple del certificado o carta de naturalización de ser el caso.  

    El otro contrayente debe residir en el cercado de Lima  

    Los documentos de estar en idioma extranjero deberán presentarse con traducción oficial y actualizados no más de 1 año de vigencia desde la fecha de expedición.

  6. Check this website:, where you will find advice from other fellow 'romantics' that also married Peruvians and had to produce all the papers and go through the red-tape.  One I know, even went to Bermuda and married her Peruvian bride there.

    Good Luck!!

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