
How does an after burner work on a turbo car?

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Hey. Just saw a car with apparently a after burner in it. Wondering how this works?. the only way i can see it hapening is with a turbo charger. Also what are teh sped benefits of one?.




  1. I know rally cars have a method where they send extra gas down the exhaust which combusts around the turbo to keep it spooled during gear changes. This isn't good for the turbo, but they don't need it to last that long.

  2. As far as I know only jet fighter aircraft are equipped with after burners for carrier take offs.

  3. were you looking at the jet engined VW beetle on the web? that is not a turbo, it is a helicopter engine

  4. Afterburner eh? Are you on medication?

  5. after burners are on jet turbines...what were you looking at?

  6. after burner on a car? I have never heard of such nonsense. Not unless the car has a jet engine.  Are you thinking of when the car shoots flames out of it's exhaust pipe? If so, that doesn't do anything for performance. Most of the times that is someone mounting a spark plug in thier exhaust just for show purposes.  Sometimes you will see it in race cars but they don't have any exhaust restrictions like catalytic converters. It's the result of unburnt fuel getting spit out the exhaust. Again no real performance effect one way or another, it's just something that happens.

  7. it workes on a turbine engine...

    never heard of one fitted to a turbo car..

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