
How does an air conditioner work?

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How do we get cold air from a window type room air conditioner.And is there any difference between a car AC and a Room AC and Split AC?




  1. I'll answer your last question first.  Basically no difference in the function between the three, although some difference in the physical design and refrigerants used.  In split and auto AC the evaporator and its fan and the condenser and its fan are in different locations.  In a window unit you usually have only one fan with a set of blades on either end of the shaft.

    There's also a wall built between the two sections so the hot air and cool air don't get mixed together inside the unit.

    Process:  A refrigerant gas is compressed by a compressor.  This heats the gas.  It then passes though a series of aluminum/copper tubing and radiating fins to remove the excess heat.  A fan is used to assist in removing the heat.  This takes place outside so the heat doesn't enter the controlled environment - your house or cabin of your car.  At this point, near the end of the condenser, it partially liquifies, hence the name condenser.

    Next the cooler compressed refrigerant passes through an expansion valve where it begins moving through a much larger diameter tubing - this causes a drop in pressure and corresponding drop in temperature.  The refrigerant is now in a frothy liquid state and is about 40 - 45 degrees F.  As it moves through this larger tubing network - the evaporator  which is inside your air handling unit in your house or under the dash in your car - it picks up heat, what we call sensible heat, heat you can feel, from the surrounding air.  It uses this heat energy to obtain latent heat, the energy needed for the refrigerant to convert back to a gas (evaporate) which is then pulled into the compressor to start the cycle over.  Back to the evaporater coils. This evaporating of the refrigerant makes the air around the outside of these coils much cooler.  Usually a powerful squirrel cage fan then blows this cooler air through the ductwork of your house  and out the vents where you feel the "chill".  Understand, AC doesn't work by adding cool to your enviro-bubble - it works by removing heat.

  2. A gas engine is a heat added machine. The AC is a heat removed machine.

    The condenser outside compresses the gas. The gas is hot, and the heat is removed by the fan. After cooling, the gas is expanded thru an expansion valve, and the result is cold low pressure gas. This is run thru the evaporator in the furnace box. The cold coils cool down the recirc warm air, and the cool air is circ thru the house.

    IF you looked at this on a PV diagram, the engine cycle runs clockwise, and the air conditioning cycle runs counter-clockwise. Interesting.

  3. An air conditioner is a circulating system comprised of a compressor, an evaporator and condenser, all connected by copper tubing. The system is filled with Freon. The Freon is compressed into a liquid and routed to the evaporator where it can expand and returns to a gas. The expansion causes a significant temperature drop and is usually blow by a fan into the room. The gas is passed on to the condenser where the gas is cooled by another fan. Thereafter, it flows again to the compressor where the cycle starts again. There is no difference between a car AC or room AC or split AC. They all work the same way.

  4. look it up.  Its a Carnot cycle heat engine.

  5. AC--- Air Conditioner

    AC--- Air cooler

    The mechanism of conditioner and cooler is little difference.Cooler will lower the temperature and conditioner will conditioned the temperature.

    There are mechanical device,due to mechanical action compressor will

    transfer the cool air

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