
How does an american individual benifit personally from globalization?

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How does an american individual benifit personally from globalization?




  1. Other country's cultures have much to offer. For example, Russian scientists and engineers are very bright as are the Japanese and Chinese.  The economic value of hiring less expensive laborers abroad  is enormous. Medicine, the Arts and Sports become more excitingly competitive. We also can learn from their family values ,especially since American families are often separated.  The world is getting smaller and smaller in ways that need global supervision such as the World Court, Aviation rules, etc. All of these can be implemented through the United Nations if we realize that although it is not perfect, it is the only vehicle we have to get along in the future.

  2. They don't. They will lose terribly!!!

  3. Economically, this country has already lost most of it's hi-tech manufacturing sites and jobs, so globalization exists now. It's simply cheaper to start sites elsewhere, and many, many U.S. companies have done it.  The ones with the $$$ on this planet aren't interested in any country imparticular, they make decisions based on money, power, and whatever else they deem important regardless of little else.

    Other countries where I have traveled on hi-tech business have many, many people who are thrilled to get an education, bust their butt 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, and happy to make small wages. It gives them a chance at food, housing, and survival. .

    How do we benifit from globalization?

    Maybe some of us will take the opportunity to stop, wake up, look at the world outside of their own and see that if you want something bad enough, work for it. Greed, arrogance, self focused and lazy behaviors are losing the stamp of normal and accepted behavior.

    Maybe losing what this country has had will send a message. Maybe some will set down the remote control and french fries, crawl out of the recliner or off the couch, grab a life and be better for it.

    Maybe it will help some to wake up and realize that the world doesn't owe you anything because you exist.

    Of course they may also go back to sleep after hitting the snooze button one more time.

    We tend to move forward and grow when life becomes too uncomfortable or painful.

    Globalization, hopefully, will make lots of people uncomfortable.

  4. Check the tag on the shirt you're wearing.

  5. There are different ways:

    1. You get to buy products you never would have bought otherwise.

    2. You get to meet different people from all over the world, be it on US soil or in other countries. You then get to grow as a person and as an intellectual.

    3. Any stereotypes or misconceptions you may hold are challenged and broken down. This ultimately creates goodwill among countries, leading to peace and a decline in paranoia all over the world and a decline in terrorism.

    4. You get to adopt new and different good ideas and you get to pass on ideas that are new and different to that person and also good.

    5. You have a much better chance of finding that special person to love and to spend your life with.

    6. You have a chance to sell your own goods and services to people all over the world.

    7. You have a chance to buy goods and services more cheaply and to benefit from new technologies that are generated abroad and from those that are generated in the US as a result of global competition.

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