
How does an inventor from a new nation get a worldwide patent. what are the chances of corruption getting ?

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involved. lets say it was an exceptional invention that allowed somebody to turn pollution into oil wouldnt that person be a target and wouldnt major nations try to steal the patent.




  1. Nations do not steal patents.

    The process you need to follow is to get a competant patent attorney to file international patents.  Most nations belong to international patent agreements that allow patents to be filed in multiple countries relatively cheaply.

    Patents are only good in the country in which they are filed.  So an English patent, for instance, means nothing in the US.  Only when patents are filed in each country are they useful.  So it's in the 'major nations' that the filing is needed.

    Yes, corruption or theft can take place, but major industrialized nations value their patent systems highly, and they can be trusted to act properly.

  2. Google patent agents. They will patent something worldwide. They are not cheap.

  3. There is no such thing as a "world wide" patent. Each individual country issues it's own patents. Some countries have extremely weak IP rights to start with, eg China.

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