
How does an over-tired baby behave?

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What are typical behaviours? What does he/she do when put to bed?




  1. They just can't settle. Usually fuss and scream when put to bed. You may have to hold baby close to you for security, and walk or rock them for a while.

  2. They Will not sleep when you put them down and they will not take any interst in food playing or anything you try away of getting them to sleep is walking back and forth with the baby in your arms and slowly rocking x

  3. An over-tired baby has a problem "shutting off" and going to bed.  Mine will cry and be inconsolable for a bit but then she finallly gives in and drifts to sleep in my arms.  If you don't watch for the sleep signals (rubbing eyes, big yawns, spaced out look, can't sit/lie still, etc) then your baby can easily go straight to OT with the crying and all...

  4. they start crying a lot. usually nothing can calm them down. Eventually they might end up crying themselves to sleep because they won't be able to calm themselves down. Sometimes reading to my daughter helps her. Yesterday I did that for her nap; she was screaming and screaming. Finally I sat down in the glider and picked up a random book and started reading over her cries. Within a few seconds she calmed down.

  5. When my daughter is over-tired she usually gets very fussy. A lot of times she will cry when I lay her down and if I try to play with her she will push her toys and/or my hands away. She will also usually suck on her hand more intensely when she is overtired. A lot of times when she is overtired I  have to bounce her until she relaxes, or I give her a pacifier and make sure that it is quiet and that there are no distractions.  


  7. they often moan

    anything that you do will make them either bored or un-happy

    so when you put them down they can moan and cry,but tiredness will take over and they will eventually fall to sleep (if really tired,then about 10mins to sleep)

    maybe lie down with the baby,OR play some music

  8. My son gets very fussy.  He closes his eyes and appears tired but fights it.  Luckily, with him, it only last for a minute or two and he only does this when he's VERY tired.  My son will fall asleep when he's ready.  I usually get up and move around (while holding him) and pat his bottom, it's what works best for us.

  9. they're typically cranky or fussy to no avail, and wanting more closeness to mommy or daddy.

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