
How does an unknown woman like Sarah Palin in 6 days get over 40 million viewers?

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Barack had 19 months and Oprah...





    - American Pie.  

  2. because 6 day ago she was unknown.  People want to know about a potential head of the nation.  We are funny that way.

  3. Because everyone knows she's more experienced than Obama and they wanted to get to know our future VP.  What a breath of fresh air!

  4. Because she's a real woman and she's a CONSERVATIVE :D

    Yay Sarah Palin!

  5. simple - she was a complete and total unknown

  6. You answered your own question, i don't agree with McCain or Palin but i watched it because i don't know much about her.

  7. Just like Paris Hilton.

  8. Public interest and curiosity.  

  9. Well Barracks teen daughter wasnt knocked up... You didnt think people reallly watched for the issues did ya?

  10. When ya' got it, ya' it.

  11. Um, because she was nominated to be the next Vice Presdent????

  12. She's asking herself the same question !

  13. Because she is more intelligent than Obama.

  14. Because she was nominated for VP, very few people had ever heard or her, and they wanted to she who this person was who the Republicans want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

    Pretty simple.

    Being a former beauty queen didn't hurt either.

    It had nothing to do with anything else as some people are trying to claim. No one had heard her speak before. No one knew her views or anything else about her, including the people making these claims.

  15. Sarah Palin is a winner - she has proven her capabilities in Alaska and I for one would like her to start cleaning house in the Big house.

  16. Because America wants to hear what she has to say. Obama's rhetoric has grown stale.

  17. Cool. Very charismatic.

  18. how does Sarah have time for a down syndrome child?

  19. Curiosity mostly.

  20. I guess it is because everyone is so amazed that Republicans would pick a woman for the VP position.

    And maybe the Republicans think that she can get some of the independent women voters, etc.

    I think also that Republicans for a while didn't see how they could win.  But somehow they think that she will revive them, and give them a chance.  

  21. Because she is an amazing speaker and people are interested in listening to what she has to say.

  22. No one knew who she was, and now it is for all the lies she has been telling from "the Bridge to No Where" to "troopergate" (Which the McCain campaign is trying to get the investigation put off) to earmarks (she hired a lobbyist to get earmarks for her town amounting to more than Boise Idaho, a city 10 times the size of her town!

    She used her mayoral office for politacal gain, including employees to help her in her campaign for Lt. Governor!

    She also has a criminal conviction! (In 1993, Sarah Palin used a drift gillnet to harvest salmon from the Bristol Bay area without an annual permit. Palin plead guilty to the Criminal Negligence charge. The jurisdiction was the Third Judicial District-Dillingham. [Alaska Criminal History Records, Case # 3DI-93-00249CR0001])

  23. if you reversed that situation, Republicans and Conservatives would call that a cult-like following by a bunch of kool aid drinkers following someone with an overnight celebrity status.

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