
How does anyone consider poker a sport?

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I understand that it takes skill and talent, to a certain degree. But there is also way more luck involved in cards. You can use your skill only to a certain point. When it all comes down to it, you are at the mercy of what you are dealt. I like playing cards, but watching them on tv has to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen. And for them to put it on a channel that is supposedly all about sports, well it drives me insane. If ESPN doesn't have anything to air for an hour or two, I would rather them air a Sportscenter from 20 years ago then air any poker match. For those that actually watch poker on tv and think of it as a sport, how do you defend that?




  1. How can people driving cars around a circle, lap after lap for 500 miles worth, be a sport? How about people strapping flat pieces of wood to their feet and riding on snow down a mountain be a sport? Money. That is why, it is simply money, advertising dollars. There is a group of people out there who will watch ANYTHING, even paint drying, who can be sold things through advertising. There are a LOT of programs of things called sports which I personally see NO point to, but evidently someone DOES, and somebody is making money doing it, so they keep ON doing it. These senseless programs make people money or they wouldn't be on the air for long. What irks me are infomercials. Sometimes, when I flip through channels on cable, it amazes me how many times I see the exact same infomercial spread over many channels at exactly the SAME time! It is simply amazing to me that they must be making so much that they can afford to buy so much air time on competing channels.

  2. In the most recent Card Player magazine, there is an article about this idea of the top ten reasons why poker is not a sport.

    If you do not like watching cards on the television, please do not waste any more time thinking about it.

    By the way, do you think hot dog eating is a sport?  They showed that on ESPN also.  The World Series of Poker 2008 will start airing on 7/22.  Check it out.

  3. Poker is not a sport but ESPN is not a channel dedicated to just sports.  It stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network.  Poker, therefore, falls squarely under the realm of Entertainment.

  4. It's a game, but not a sport.  That said, it's a game where the results determine clear-cut winners and losers.  I'd much rather watch poker than figure skating.

  5. Game, not a sport.

  6. Poker is not a sport in my book for the exact reason that you mentioned - it is played by luck as much as skill.

    But, ESPN cares about viewership - to make money.  And guys between 25-35 are the biggest slice in their demographic.  And this demographic seems to enjoy watching poker.  It's the thrill of the big money, I'm sure.  If you've noticed, not many women play poker... we're smarter than that.  LOL.

  7. Bingo, Miz. NOT a sport, but pure entertainment.

    Watching poker for high stakes is entertainment, just like a game show, it has drama, characters, a plot (lol), and tension.

    And it beats reruns hands down!

    And if you will watch it they will show it, and they will charge their advertisers whatever the traffic will bear!

    And come on, now, can't you agree that watching the WSOP is at least a little bit of fun?

  8. Same reason they have dog beaty pageant shows on TV sports channels i guess??!!

  9. I don't think many people consider it a sport, but that doesn't mean many (were talking millions here) people don't enjoy watching it.  Look, if you're hung up on the fact that it is on ESPN, just save your breath.  As others have pointed out, hot dog eating contests, dominoes, h**l, even spelling bees have been on ESPN.  These are all competitions.  Why are they on ESPN, because a large number of people want to watch them and they can sell advertising space.  Yes, your little analogy of a promotion in your office is also a competition, the difference is, no one wants to watch that.  If millions of people found it interesting, trust me, you would be on ESPN too with Coke and Pepsi commercials during the breaks.  Just because it is on ESPN does not mean that is regarded as a sport by ESPN or its fan base.  If you don't like it, don't watch it.  If you want Sportscenter all day, that is what the ESPN News channel is for.

  10. don't know but it is a sport

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