
How does astrology actually influence one's birth chart? (Read and comment)?

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I seriously DO believe in astrology but I have a question: When someone is born, what DIRECT effect does their birth have on what sign they are or anything like that? Is there something that happens when a baby leaves the mother's womb, which causes the universe to bestow certain charateristics on them, such as their sun and moon signs? How does it really work? I mean, because, some babies are born through C- section. So, what exactly happens when a baby is born?




  1. astrology is for idiots.

  2. It's based on where the planets are at the time of when a baby is born. Although this is mostly just your star sign (gemini, leo ect..).

    But you also fall into other signs such as Water, Earth, Air, Fire and Light.  

    How the planets are when you are born should predict your personnalties ect...

  3. Looks like you are looking for some real evidence. Problem is astrology is strictly a belief oriented concept.

    Few people really can know their exact time of birth. For instance the countries of the British Commonwealth (including Canada and Australia)are not required to record the time of birth except in the case of twins. Millions of don't know their birth time. In the U.S. we rely on some intern to get it right. Too bad GPS's are not standard in the delivery room.

    Also just in the U.S. at least one third of births are C-section and induced labor. So some babies are born hours or days earlier than a "natural" birth. Must be some powerful magic that can change a entire personality in those few inches of the v****a. Also now we can freeze embryos for years. Does that make a difference?

    Astrologers emphasize the importance of the positions of the sun, moon, planets, etc., at the time of birth. However, the birthing process isn’t instantaneous. There is no single moment that a person is born. The fact that some official somewhere writes down a time of birth is irrelevant. Do they pick the moment the water breaks? The moment the first dilation occurs? When the first hair or toenail peeks through? When the last toenail or hair passes the last millimeter of the v****a? When the umbilical cord is cut? When the first breath is taken? Or does birth occur at the moment a physician or nurse looks at a clock to note the time of birth?

    Why are the initial conditions more important than all subsequent conditions for one’s personality and traits? Why is the moment of birth chosen as the significant moment rather than the moment of conception? Why aren't other initial conditions such as one’s mother’s health, the delivery place conditions, forceps, bright lights, dim room, back seat of a car, etc., more important than whether Mars is ascending, descending, culminating, or fulminating?

    Edit: Where is astrology place in history? It's defining moment? When did it change the world? Science has done it, religion certainly has. Anything stand out? For better or worse, science has delivered. We need it to survive and to help cure. We conduct fund raising for cancer research. Millions walk and donate because it does save lives. Does astrology deserve such attention? Who would be willing to donate for astrology research?

    How did the ancient astrologers manage do it over two thousand plus years ago? There were no accurate clocks and calenders or time zones. How many first breaths could be accurately recorded? If at all? No knowledge of a round earth or the existence of the outer planets and asteroids. Why did not astrologers detect these if they really mattered? Not many people were literate. For the astrologers, an education especially math and reading would be very important. As now, most of uneducated were extremely gullible to all forms of divination.

    Who could afford the astrologer or better yet, benefit from them? Ordinary common folk? Peasants and farmers? Did they really have the extra money to take such a chance? In a time when women had to give birth 5 times just to maintain the population. With maximum life expectancy of only 35 years

    The rich and powerful could. Royalty, for sure. Astrology for a living needed an employer rather than customers. Good astrologers had better say the right thing or they could lose their heads.

    Last, Which was/is the right astrology? What makes "Western" better than Chinese, Indian or even Babylonian? Others? How is this known?

    My favorite point, where does astrology succeed to do better than chance? Without "belief" does it even exist? It is admitted that statistical evidence still is not good enough. After thousands of years, there is no constant or unifying and no theory of astrology. Has the Gauquelin studies stand up to repeated tests? How many independent tests have been done to verify?

  4. Edit:These questions are amazing particularly since most of them were answered in the post that obviously wasn't read.  Once again arguing from ignorance.  It is notable that not one argument has been put forward only questions that display over and over an ignorance of astrology.  Attack, attack attack, never defend, never discuss.  Oh well I will.

    >Where is astrology place in history? <

    This is not serious. Take a look at where astronomy came from - the Babylonians, and they weren't trying to figure out the age of the universe ("useful"as that might be - heh).  See "Greek Horoscopes" by Otto Neugebauer - a classic in the field. Also by the same author "The Exact Sciences in Antiquity."  Tamysyn Barton wrote a few.  These are scholars not astrologers.  Learn.

    >It's defining moment? <

    60 home runs in a season.  What does this have to do with anything?

    >When did it change the world? <

    Hmmmm see the above books, but as I said it began with survival.  It's called the mother of science or some other embarrassing title..  What else do you want?  This is 6th grade knowledge. These questions are indicative of a belief that history began on one's birthday.

    >Science has done it, religion certainly has. Anything stand out? For better or worse, science has delivered. <

    I completely agree, we cannot make weapons of mass destruction with astrology.  I love it when scientists resort to value judgments to make their arguments.

    >We need it to survive and to help cure. We conduct fund raising for cancer research. Millions walk and donate because it does save lives. Does astrology deserve such attention? Who would be willing to donate for astrology research?<

    No we need to be wiped out or become good robots.  Scientists walk to cure cancer.  Hmm thought it was done in labs.  Come on.  This is silly.  Why study philosophy?  Why art?  Why music, sculpture? Religion? Since when does lack of donations equate to value?  Perhaps if the prejudice wasn't so vicious astrology would have the popularity and social status needed to make it valid?  I'm being facetious, but I'm not equating popularity with value.

    >How did the ancient astrologers manage do it over two thousand plus years ago? <

    I really hate to say this but it is pure unadulterated ignorance.  Go check out the history of astronomy, the Babylonians etc.  They started it with observation.  Then learn the difference between horoscopic astrology (the 2000 year old variety) and observational or omenology (older than 2000 years maybe another 1000) type.  Astronomy wasn't invented with the Hubble telescope, and an astrology column wasn't published in an ancient Roman newspaper.

    >There were no accurate clocks and calenders or time zones. How many first breaths could be accurately recorded?<

    They could tell time before clocks were invented, just like they could navigate before computers.  Measurements - how do you think scientists learned to do that?  On an Apple IIe? Look up "astrolabe." Better yet, learn to use one.   Then check out Al Biruni, a man whose mind was the equivalent of Newton's.  Oh but he was an astrologer.

    >No knowledge of a round earth or the existence of the outer planets and asteroids. <

    This is hilarious.  Aristotle knew the Earth was round in fact the only people who believed it was flat were the uneducated.  Study some history. Astrology was practiced long before Uranus was discovered.  Not only that we are not a monolithic group.  Many of us, the writer included, don't use those things.  Like the applied sciences and the liberal arts there are all sorts of schools of astrology.  

    >>Why did not astrologers detect these if they really mattered? <<

    Why didn't Galileo?  Kepler?  Whoops they were both astrologers (yes they were).  No telescopes maybe?  Why hasn't science cured the common cold? It can't be lack of money.  Let's elevate the argument a bit, OK?

    >Not many people were literate. For the astrologers, an education especially math and reading would be very important.<

    True in fact one astrologer, Jerome Cardan, is noted for his achievements in algebra. I admit it, we have some seriously gifted people on our side.

    >As now, most of uneducated were extremely gullible to all forms of divination.<

    Gullible is a value judgment.  Look at all the contemporary scientists playing on the gullibility of the public with the global warming hoax - the same ones that promised destruction from global cooling only 30 years ago.  Stop drinking water from plastic bottles and you'll change the weather.  Oh I already said that.  

    >Who could afford the astrologer or better yet, benefit from them? Ordinary common folk? Peasants and farmers? Did they really have the extra money to take such a chance? In a time when women had to give birth 5 times just to maintain the population. With maximum life expectancy of only 35 years<

    Astrologers in the middle ages and Renaissance worked for court.  Poor people couldn't afford them and didn't matter. This is true of almost every trade, craft and artisan as well.  What is your point - particularly the one about having children?  Where did that come from?

    >The rich and powerful could. Royalty, for sure. Astrology for a living needed an employer rather than customers. Good astrologers had better say the right thing or they could lose their heads.<

    Precisely!  This is historically correct.  Again what is your point?

    >Last, Which was/is the right astrology? What makes "Western" better than Chinese, Indian or even Babylonian? Others? How is this known?<

    It isn't known.  And does one have to be "better" than another? These are value judgments.

    >>My favorite point, where does astrology succeed to do better than chance? <

    You haven't made a point yet.  You've only asked questions.  This is a propaganda technique.

    >Without "belief" does it even exist? It is admitted that statistical evidence still is not good enough. After thousands of years, there is no constant or unifying and no theory of astrology. Has the Gauquelin studies stand up to repeated tests? How many independent tests have been done to verify?<<

    This is pure psychological denial.  I already linked to one of the many pages on the 50+ year Gauquelin studies that consistently beat chance and were replicated. Deny it all you want.  You're wrong.  Please re-read what I wrote and connect to the link. Then tell us the sample is too small or whatever rationalization is handy, but know all that has all been tried before and failed.  The Gauquelin studies hold up and honest scientists, a dying breed, admit it.

    There is no grand unified theory of knots either, but they work.  Why does astrology have to fit science's mold?  Where does it say that science is the final arbiter of all truth? Where is the scientific evidence to support that? See how easy this is?

    Learn something about the subject before you criticize it.

  5. When a soul is part of the mother, it shares her destiny and identity. The experience of birth is the initialization of a distinct and seperate entity. For the first time a new soul exists within its own space. filling it lungs with life... and newly subject to the laws of the universe from which it has heretofore been shielded.

    Once a soul emerges into the light, that first kiss of the sun impresses upon them all the power of the universe, and sets in motion events they must experience and challenges  they must overcome... A starting point if you will.

    Your natal chart shows you your starting point - A group of traits that form a basis of your very nature, inclinations, and urges... It IS NOT destiny, merely a place to start the soul's journey. Where you "grow" from there is up to you.

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