
How does astrology and numerology work together ?

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i heard that u can guess someones sun sign with just knowing the numbers in there name or something like that, well i guess what i am asking, how does astrology and numerology tie all in together ?




  1. I'm so excited by this question!!!

    I encourage you to look into Vedic Astrology because the elaborate correlations between numerology and astrology are extensive and very amazing!

    First consider the houses... the most auspicious houses are 1, 5, and 9 - these are very special numbers. 1 and 5 are prime. 9 is the greatest number in a decimal system. Nine is divisible into 3rds and is the root of the occult penultimate number: 108.

    You have 12 signs in the zodiac, when you divide them into 9 sections you get 108 sections in the zodiac. In vedic astrology these sections are called the "Navamshas" and are almost as important as the original birth chart itself.

    The Vedic Zodiac identifies 27 specific stars ("Nakshatras") of particular importance. 27 is 108 divided by four. Indeed each star has four "legs" = 108 stellar divisions in the Vedic Zodiac.

    1 and 5 are really the prime numbers and the rest duplicate from there. This is why they are such important houses. 5 houses from the 5th is the 9th. This is why the 9th is of such importance.

    In music, western and vedic, the 1st is the "root" and the 5th note from the root is the most harmonious sound. Indeed everything we as living beings appreciate about harmony revolves around relationships between the number 1 and 5.

    The planets have numeric forms. 1 is the Sun and 5 is Jupiter. Let me outline them for you and then encourage your own further study...

    The Sun is 1 because it is the point of unity... the beginning, without which no other numbers could be counted or exist. As such the Sun is the very consciousness itself! The soul or "ego".

    I am tempted to skip to 5 who is Jupiter the "supersoul" or "superego" but I wont! =)

    The Moon is 2 because it is duality... love and hate, like and dislike. Thus the moon is our emotions, which fluctuate on the basis of dualities like attraction and aversion to various objects and sensations.

    Mars is 3... a triangle - because this is the first number with a point, a direction. Thus Mars represents energy, and Mars also is sharp and harsh and has the ability to wound or pierce.

    Mercury is 4... a square - because this is the shape which is interchangeable with itself. Mercury is our ability to exchange goods and ideas between our self and our environment: communication and trade.

    Jupiter is 5... a pentagon or pentacle - because this shape is a combination of a square and a triangle. It is the ability to put our ideas and intelligence (square/mercury) into practical motion (triangle/mars): Thus jupiter is our morality and our "divine" or "higher" inner voice.

    Venus is 6... ah venus. A hexagon - so balanced, or a "star of david" another perfect balance between two forms of energy, male and female. Venus thus represents romance and beauty, harmony and symmetry, love and artistic expressions.

    Saturn is 7... when the shapes become so complex and the symmetry of 6 is destroyed. Biblically this is thought to represent God, and well the biblical concept of god is quite destructive isn't it? In 7 we find arcane wisdom and abandonment of outer beauty in the search for inner truth.

    Rahu, the north node, is 8... the octagon - so many points in so many directions - signifying wild extroversion and revolution.

    Ketu, the southern node, is 9... the most complex shape which disperses all energies into 9 directions. Thus ketu represents liberation and spiritual enlightenment, the final destination of all souls.

  2. IMHO, they dont... I have never heard that in 20+ years of studying & practicing astrology...

  3. Thumbs up to Vic.  The first guy is scary.. all those 20 supposed years of experience and he doesn't understand  harmonics.  That's scary.  People like that should not be pretending to know astrology, let alone advise people.

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