
How does atheism explain consciousness?

by Guest65949  |  earlier

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How does atheism explain consciousness?




  1. They probably say what scientist say about it, it doesn't exist. But there are scientist that have proved consciousness exist and they are being ignored by the science establishment. To say someone has consciousness is like saying they have a soul, and to atheist and scientist, souls doesn't exist.

  2. Not that I am an atheist by nature but a man by the name of Nicholas Humphrey wrote out a plausible scientific theory for the evolution of conciousness in a book called "History of the Mind: Evolution and the Birth of Conciousness".

    His theory though written like a dry text book is by all my faculties seemingly probable. I would not however necessarily agree that this validates Aethism or Religion by any means.

  3. Atheism would have to rely on a 'scientific' explanation for consciousness.  Unfortunately, there is currently no scientifically proven understanding of human consciousness.

  4. Without consciousness, one is dead!!

    A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

  5. Do some research yourself on the way neurons in the brain interact with each other and you'll have your answer.

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