
How does baby gain weight if I'm not?

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My last office visit I lost 1 lb since my last appt. 2 weeks before that. I am 33 weeks tomorrow. My Dr didn't seem concerned about the lost of weight. But what if I don't gain any more weight at my next visit (34 weeks)? How is my baby supposed to gain weight?




  1. I lost 15lbs in the beginging of the pregnancy and I still have only gained 12 of those lbs back and I am 33 weeks.  As a matter of fact at my last apt I had went down 2lbs again.  Since I have not been gaining weight the doctors has been having me go in for ultrasounds to do growth scans every 4 weeks on the baby and he has been measuring perfect everytime.  At my last one he was 4lbs so I really wouldn't be worried because your weight doesn't effect the babies.  As he is gaining .5 pounds a week you are losing that .5 pounds from somewhere else on your body.

  2. You don't have to gain weight for your baby to gain weight. The fact that the baby continued to grow while you lost a pound means the baby is getting the nutrients it needs.  It would appear that you are carrying extra caloric energy that is being used up 'feeding' the baby.

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