
How does beautiful natural scenery make you feel ?

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i am just back from the North of Scotland where nature is at her best, I think its a tonic to see makes you feel alive but small, interested to know your views.




  1. I understand how overwhelmed you are after coming back from N.Scotland. That's the Magic of our Mother Nature. To answer your question, I simply fail because some "natural sceneries" are too hard to explain or too tough to express. Perhaps the POETS are expert, I think as a non-poet. If you are so nature-enthusiastict person, I would love to invite you to my land, Bangladesh. I throw challenge, you would go MAD & simply MAD seeing trulely NATURE here. You'll be confused: Were you watching a country-scene or a landscape painting by some famous painter!  

  2. For me, it's not necessarily always the large scenery. Many times I have found beauty in the small things of the world.

  3. Nature, in all it's beauty & splendor just rejuvenates me & never fails to amaze me. it has such a calming, serene/peaceful effect. one can so easily forget one's troubles, or the urban life, etc. - they seem so petty & far away just want to absorb all the beauty ,,,

    the image stays etched in memory forever. one wants to reproduce/capture it in the form of a painting or poem but sometimes one just has to rely on one's vivid memory. that is one reason i prefer paintings to be realistic [no "modern" art & abstract painting for me] and poetry to have metaphors involving Nature.

    i'm lucky to have a small pond ecosystem just across my east-facing balcony from where i can view a large variety of birds, butterflies, thick greenery, trees, etc. and of course, the sun rising daily....

    yes, you've nailed it - alive but small.... but privileged too ;-))  

  4. They kinda make me feel small too, at the beginning. But then I realize that I'm bigger than it. I feel like they're just a decoration for my life.

  5. At peace. Relaxing.

    Like you could just spend all day looking at it.

  6. I love it too.  Too really get a taste you need to go way out to the middle of nowhere and camp and live completely free of civilization for a while.  It will change the way you see the world.

  7. It makes me feel good inside, when I look at the true beauty of nature undisturbed my man, or when I look up at a night like the previous one with a clear sky, in twilight, with the moon shining, I just idk, i feel overwhelmed.

    It is a majestic scene, that shows us that we are so small in this universe, and I start to wonder, What beautiful things, that are unknown to the human eye, that exist out in the universe have we not seen.

    Imagine in this infinite universe, whatever we have seen on earth is possibly less than 1%.

    There are things out there we could never imagine, until the day we are able to set eyes on them, I'm sure there are some amazing, spectacular views, sights, occurrences in space, or other planets.

    I feel alive, I feel like our life (HUMANS IN GENERAL) has just begun, and I start to ponder on how we will expand and one day colonize known space and our descendants will witness things that will become natural to them, yet unexplainable and unimaginable to us.

    I love nature, it shows the true existence of God, I shows us how well orchestrated everything is, and even though I follow science closely, at the same time you can't deny that a divine power has made everything we see, and that it connects us, everything is connected.

    I see hope for mankind in nature. I also fear that there will come a day, when we destroy this planet, and we use up all the resources and have nothing left, a day where the world will be covered by metal, and light and greenery wont be around.

    We should leave @ least 50% of the planet uninhabitable... That's my opinion.

    I feel so peaceful, whenever I get tired of the city, I just get in my bike or car, and drive out to the canyons, to the forest, or to the beach. Anywhere were I can sit down, or lie down, and listen to the sounds of nature. Truly ponder aspects of philosophy and life, or just let go, and enjoy the sights.

    It makes me feel like I am one with nature, and i think that human kind was never meant to evolve into such a technological sentient race, we would have been at place in the wild. I get teary eyed thinking of the animals that have gone extinct because of us, and The feeling that overwhelms me just makes me wish I could life a peaceful life in the wild, among the animals.

    Then I also think on Darwinism, and survival of the fittest, and how the weakest beings, or the ones that are unable to adapt to this world will die out, yet it isn't natures doing that made 'em pass, it was our doing. Yet we are a part of nature, and obviously nature has allowed us to come so far, and we are the fittest... See it just opens up question, after question, contradiction and thoughts and questions one really can't answer.

    I was staring at the moon tonight, and I am hopeful that before I die, I can visit it, and witness this earth from it.

    Hotels on it, are soon to come. Or so I hope.

    Go watch the movie "INTO THE WILD"

    It's perfect for everyone who contributed to this question.

    Nature is true, and serene. It doesn't lie to you, you see the wild as it should be.

    I love hiking, and exploring, and camping.

    I feel a connection with animals, as though they want to tell me something, or idk maybe I'm just nuts.

    The beach clams me so much, and looking up at the stars on a clear night, makes me ponder on how every time I look at them, i'm looking at the past, and the thought fascinates me.

  8. It makes me feel... the same?

    The only thing I notice is how beautiful the scene is

    That's it.

  9. It makes me feel that I'm really fortunate to be in this world to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  10. Lonely, I think. Them there hills will and have seen generations come and go.  Here am I just passing through;  the "eternity" of it all counts the preciousness of my days ..How marvellous! .. I think of God.

  11. At one with what is being viewed.

  12. "...feel alive but small"  is somewhere near it.

    (The cliffs and the moors of Cornwall are home to me)

    At an non-intellectual level it's relaxing: the sound of the sea washing over pebbles, or even beating against rocks after a storm.

    But there's an element of realising that the human viewpoint is peculiar (old sense) .  Our size and lifespan is an imposition, a limitation.

    The cliffs don't care if I'm there or not, and they'll be there long after I've gone.  But fall they will.  In a thousand years Tintagel Castle will be gone.

    Were the planet to be capable of considering, I'd only be the most transient of visitors, in its mind.  But I'm the one capable of contemplating and considering.  A whole complexity of levels.

    What's beauty or grandeur with no-one to see it?

    Ripples of thought spread out, but I have that sort of mind.

  13. I feel oneness.

  14. Near to God, The Supreme Creator.

    I always feel renewed after a long walk by the sea or in the forest and I come home and sleep just like a baby.

    Thank you for asking.

  15. Feeling small is not what crosses my heart.Actually I feel refreshed,in love, and all thoughts of death and existential agony seem to be defied.

    Actually Scotland has done that to me indeed!

  16. Divine, as though God is right before my eyes and the splendor of it all is so overwhelming that all I can do is stand in awe and be silent.

  17. Natural scenery makes me feel via my senses.

    (The question was "HOW")

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