
How does becoming a vegitarian/vegan affect your body?

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Our bodies are designed to eat animals as well as plants. I'm 13 but I've basically grown as tall as I'm going to get; and I know that your supposed to eat fish twice a week. Is it unhealthy to become vegetarian? Will tofu and vitamins be enough to keep me healthy? I was also wondering if there are any health concerns that appear later in life if you become a vegetarian as young as I plan to. I plan to keep eating fish but keep off of all other types of meat.

Also thinking LATER in life, what if I get pregnant? should I start eating meat again? Would that affect the health of the baby during pregnancy?

Also, will switching my diet so suddenly upset my digestive system?

Much thanks!




  1. Well you need to make sure you get plenty of protein!

  2. welll in my percpective becoming a vegetarian is alot of work and money

    cz without meet there is no real protein and other stuff meats give to your body, its one of the main food groups.

    and when i say hard work and money is cz you have to keep up with all kind of pills you gotta buy in order to get all the vitamins and stuff your not getting from the meat,

    hope this helps

  3. acctually interesting fact here, there was a race run in the 1980's and the first person was a vegetarian , meat is heavy in the stomach and can acctually cause consitipation.

    Tofu, nuts ect.. (search it up) can be very good for you , you just need to replace foods, im a vegetarian and i'm healthy I havent seen a doctor in 4 years I've been  a vegetarian for 3 1/2  years and I also took gradual process I stopped one kind of meat first like chicken and then beef ect.. so just try one thing at a time.  

  4. Don't do it. You will become unhealthy like my sister. She is 14 and the effects of vegetarianism is really terrible.

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