
How does being a "council member" of 5000 population town mean "executive experience"?

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Strange these repubs attacked obama for being inexperienced and young and having hardly any real experience but now say Palin has "lots of executive experience". She has less education than Biden and Obama too. A mere bachelor in journalism means nothing.




  1. She has more time as Governor than Obama does as a senator. Last time I checked, Governor was an executive position and out trumps a senator.

  2.   Obama is running for POTUS in case you missed it.  Obama MUST have Biden to "guide and steer" him through the first year of the Presidency, IF Obama wins.  Thats "On The Job Training", because as a Senator, there is NO CEO requirements, like even a small town mayor and especially, a State.  Quit making iot sound like Palins the POTUS candidate.     And lastly, Palin is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the National Guard.  Gee, that gicves her even more experience than Obama in "military experience".

  3. You're forgetting that she was governor for 20 months in one of the least populated states.  She worked hard to make sure polar bears weren't protected and that oil companies got to destroy the land.

  4. Perhaps you forgot that she's the governor of Alaska.

    Or maybe you actually didn't know.

    Pay attention.

  5. I agree.  Those republicans on Fox have to say those things.  I'm sure behind closed doors they are saying "where the "bleep" did McCain come up with that idea - we're screwed!"

  6. Being a council member is not the extent of her political experience. That's like criticizing a college grad because they completed kindergarten.

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