
How does bell install a new phone line?

by  |  earlier

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Here's my problem.

I just got my own apartment, so obviously I need a phone line.

I went at bell last week and everything they told me that the line should be working by friday(Tomorrow).

Now this morning I get a call saying that tomorrow they will send a guy to install my phone line!?


I already have a working phone jack, I just need to them put my number in there.

Simply put, I cannot be at my apartment tomorrow and even if I was I'm not going to wait from 9am to 17PM for that d**n technician outside(My apartment doesn't have a doorbell)

How do I solve this mess and why must they send a technician?




  1. yes, the need to send a phoneman.

    He needs to stress test the line to make sure it is up to standards. He also needs to test the pair locations and have it logged in the frame as well as any access points between the frame and the demarc. Everything needs to be documented.

    Next, the  frame tech will tell him the phone number, he will make sure that the number is active on your phone jacks.

    There is a lot of leg work installing a phone, even existing service.

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