
How does boxing affect your bench press?

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i am 16 years old 130 lbs and haven't bench pressed in months. When i last checked my max was 180lbs. I want to know if i start boxing, will my bench max go up




  1. I was never big into weight lifting and my boxing was limited to some high school matches in somebody's back yard.  If I had gone further in boxing I would have learned a lot about weight lifting, particularly the bench press.  That is the one you do while lying on your back, isn't it?  :)

    Seriously, if you're going to box you should avoid lifting weights.  Some of the fighters who used weights (notably Holyfield and Spinks) did it primarily to add body weight because they were moving up from light heavies to heavyweights and muscle is better than fat.  Resistance bands are good.

  2. it might. boxing will certainly make you stronger.

    on another note you shouldn't be lifting weight at you age either. it isn't benificial to you considering how your body is growing at the moment and do exercise without weights would benifit you much better. do pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, squat thrusts, air squats, knees to elbows (hang from a pull-up bar and bring your knees to your elbows), air lunges, run (long distance and sprints), swim, jump-rope, lye down on a bench and grab behind your head and bring your knees to your chest and your lower torso slightly off the bench, etc. take a few of these and put them together for a workout.

    for example you could to 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats. do this as many times as you can in 20 minutes.

    you can always check or for ideas but make sure to replace the weight lifting with other things (or if you'd like you could send me an email). I would strongly suggest you not lift weight till you are at least 18-19 yrs old

  3. no but you will be in better shape, but staying active and getting older will increase your bench over time....but you will need to lift to see results....good luck

    ps since you're 13 i would just to things like push ups sit ups and pull ups until you turn about 15-16 then you can start lifting

  4. I can not answer your question. I do have a suggestion. Boxing is a great sport. the problem with boxing is even with a helmet you do take a lot of blows to the head. Since you seem to like martial arts there are a lot of others that will not cause you the potential problems that boxing might. Judo, Akideo, Karate just to mention a few. Give it a thought. Best of Luck   BOB

  5. Its a myth that boxers don't lift weights, some do ...the guy that mentioned Shannon Briggs was correct.[Briggs knocked a lot of people out]..many other heavyweights also did that--Evander Holyfield, Micheal Weaver, George Foreman, Gerry Cooney, Micheal Spinks... and not just the heavies, Fernando Vargas, Sugar Shane Mosley etc etc --if you know [or learn ] how to use resistence training for power, you might develop into a devastating hitter. Incorporate light and medium weights into your training regimen, but also be sure and use the medicine ball and resistence elastic bands for speed, strength + speed = power.    P.S.  if you do not know what resistence bands are ask your trainer...Holyfield used to always train with them.          Good Luck!

  6. Boxing wont help your bench pressing. If you want to be a body builder dont bother with boxing, you'll get creamed.

    Boxers stay away from heavyweights, their are a few exceptions, Mosley bench presses for added power but Hes Sugar Shane Mosley. You want to see what happens to a guy when he decides to use heavyweights instead of boxing training. Take a look at Shannon Briggs.

    If you want to box competitively avoid weight lifting.

  7. Its a myth that boxers don't lift weights, some do ...the guy that mentioned Shannon Briggs was correct.[Briggs knocked a lot of people out]..many other heavyweights also did that--Evander Holyfield, Micheal Weaver, George Foreman, Gerry Cooney, Micheal Spinks... and not just the heavies, Fernando Vargas, Sugar Shane Mosley etc etc --if you know [or learn ] how to use resistence training for power, you might develop into a devastating hitter. Incorporate light and medium weights into your training regimen, but also be sure and use the medicine ball and resistence elastic bands for speed, strength + speed = power. P.S. if you do not know what resistence bands are ask your trainer...Holyfield used to always train with them. Good Luck!

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