
How does brazillian/general bikini wax work?

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embarassingly, i have ALOT of hair down there...and its black as well so its really embarassing!

i just want to know the exact procedure if i was to go for mainly a brazillian/bikini wax - i take it you just take your pants off and they start doing it? and what do i do once it starts growing? because it'll look really horrible? do u trim it before u go? if i do..surely it would look a bit weird when you go for the wax? is one of those things u have to go in regularly once uve had it done for the first time?

thanks so much!




  1. I can't give an exact answer but I have had waxing done before on my upper body and a few times my legs( I'm a cyclist) and to be honest it smarts a bit but the pain is only temporary.

    The woman who used to do me told me some of her clients took a painkiller shortly before the treatment to help with the pain.

    If you get waxing done regular the hair grows back finer, on my back it is still there but not as dark, not so sure about the bikini area.

    What will happen is the woman doing it will spread a little warm wax on you then press firmly a cotton strip over it and  pull it off quickly and then repeat until the desired look is achieved.

    The choice is yours to go regular or not although I think you will like the new look and do so.

  2. Dont wax it is painful and has to be repeated ad infinitum, get lasered lasts for ever and is so smooooth,

  3. Yes, you do have to undress, but they make a real effort to make you comfortable.  Let them know it's your first time.  They'll trim for you, or you can do it before you go.  One good thing about waxing is it lasts a lot longer than shaving.  But yes, you will have to go back once in a while.  It gets easier each time, and you need to do it less and less often.  

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