
How does cervical cancer develop, is it always through sexual transmission of a cancer virus...?

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or can you just spontaneously develop it?




  1. Cervix is the lower part of the uterus extending to v****a.

    Due to lack of genital hygiene, there may be HPV [human papiloma virus] or any bacterial infection. any unhealed infection/wound, over a long period of time,  may become a source of cervical cancer..  

    To prevent such mishaps every woman should clean her genitals immediately after coitus or atleast at the time of bath. If the coitus is outside wedlock, she must clean her genitals with luke warm dettol water [one or two drops of dettol mixed with  500 ml of water] with the aid of vaginal douche; daily before sleep. It will also take care of HIV/AIDS/venereal diseases..

    Cure:Ars.Iod  6 -- 1 pill twice daily is useful.

    with best compliments from

  2. What causes cervical cancer?

    >> Most << cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human papillomavirus, or HPV. You get HPV by having s*x with someone who has it. There are many types of the HPV virus. Not all types of HPV cause cervical cancer. Some of them cause genital warts, but other types may not cause any symptoms.

  3. Cancer is not a virus nor is it sexually transmitted or contagious in any way. It is caused by cells losing their ability to multiply and die normally. More often than not we do not know why this happens. We have found a little more than 60% of cervical cancers are HPV positive. Leaving a little less than 40% not related to HPV at all.

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