
How does cholestrol relate to subcutaneous or abdominal fat?

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is there any conversion of one to the other or is it two different entities and thereby two definite unrelated risk factors leading to morbidity through unrelated pathways




  1. The cholesterol is a organic compound that was located in all cells and and humours of the human's organism. Its biological part is showed In : Engagement in the construction of the cage membranes ; Naming the adrenal and intimate hormones, vitamin B12 c, The bilious acerbities as well other. The larger part was synthesized in the liver from the cholesterol,, and she had remained- it is provided by the sustenance.

  2. Is there a conversion? Maybe.

    High intake of saturated fats and fats in general will increase both cholesterol and subcutaneous fat, however, it is possible to have very high levels of cholesterol and almost no abdominal fat.

    To generalize I would say cholesterol and abdominal are both correlated more to heredity and diet than to each other.

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