
How does cigarette litter end up in the ocean when I toss it out of the car window?

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How does cigarette litter end up in the ocean when I toss it out of the car window?




  1. Wind, rain, animals.  Lots of different factors can cause this.  Think about it, rain water runs into storm drains near roads.  Where do you think some of that water eventually winds up?

    Why throw your cigarette butt out the window anyway?  It's littering and it's not pretty.  I smoke, my car does not have an ashtray, but I manage to work this out.  It's not even that much of an effort.  Please try.

  2. Easy. You toss it out the window of your car and it lands in the road. Wind or cars passing by push into the gutter. It rains and the runoff takes the butt into the storm drain. Storm drains typically end up in the ocean without treatment.

    Quit throwing your butts out the window. Either use the dam ashtray or quit smoking.

  3. Many ways..

    smokers on boats

    rainwater run off

    illegal dumping of garbage

    now..stop tossing your cigarettes out the car's NASTY!

  4. Mostly wind-blown debris.  But why are you littering our landscape?  Use the ash tray and then dump it into your own garbage can at home.  My world is not your trash can.

  5. Even if it only ends up next to the road, it's still very sloppy and uncouth.

  6. what makes you think it ended up in the ocean? were you close to the beach? it could have blown there

  7. Possibly somebody else picked up your litter and they are the one who threw it in the ocean.  But how do you KNOW it ended up in the ocean?

  8. You shouldn’t have been driving so close to the ocean or maybe you were on a bridge passing over the ocean when you threw it out. Litterbug.

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